
Quantitative Literacy: Alternative Pathway for College Developmental Mathematics Students

George, Michael; Milman, Yevgeniy

Low passing rates in developmental mathematics have been a serious concern for community colleges for many years. A course in Quantitative Literacy (QL) offers non-STEM students an alternative option to introductory algebra as a path to a degree. This paper describes the implementation and evolution of QL at the Borough of Manhattan Community College. Students enrolled in the 17 sections of QL were compared to a matched sample of students from Elementary Algebra. The students enrolled in QL in the Spring of 2013 were 175% more likely to have passed a credit-bearing mathematics course one year later, indicating that QL represents a valuable alternative for non-STEM college students placed into algebra level remediation. Further, the implementation and preliminary results of a corequisite course combining QL with college level Quantitative Reasoning (QR) are presented.


Also Published In

Journal of Mathematics Education at Teachers College

More About This Work

Academic Units
Mathematics Education
Published Here
August 19, 2022


corequisite mathematics, developmental mathematics, innovative pedagogy, quantitative literacy