A letter from Henry III, king of England (1233)


Henry III, king of England


Blanche of Castile, queen of France

Translated letter:

Henry, by the grace of God king of England, lord of Ireland, etc., to his dearest cousin, lady Blanche, by that same grace queen of France, greetings. We send to Abbéville the venerable father bishop Henry of Rochester [Roffens] and our beloved and faithful Philip of Aubigny [Albiniac], and our seneschal Ralph, son of Nicholas, to be there one month from the Nativity of St. John the Baptist just past, to meet the messengers you will have sent, as you announced in your letters to us, in order to deal with peace between our beloved cousin and lord, your son Louis, king of France, and us, and to make peace between him and us. For which, etc. Witnessed by the king at Westminster, 14th of July, in the 17th year of our reign.

Original letter:

Henricus, Dei gratia rex Angliae, dominus Hiberniae, etc., carissimae consanguineae suae dominae Blanchiae, eadem gratia Franciae reginae, salutem. Mittimus usque ad Abbatis Villam venerabilem patrem H[enricum] Roffensem episcopum, et dilectum et fidelem nostrum Philippum de Albiniaco, et Radulfum Filium Nicholai senescallum nostrum, ut ibi intersint a die nativitatis S. Johannis Baptistae proximo praeterita in unum mensem, in occursum nunciorum vestrorum quos illuc missurae estis, sicut nobis per literas vestras mandastis, ad tractandum de pace inter dilectum consanguineum et dominum nostrum Lodovicum regem Franciae filium vestrum et nos, et ad pacem faciendam inter ipsum et nos. In cujus rei, etc. Teste rege apud Westmonasterium xiiij\o die Julii, anno regni nostri xvij\o.

Historical context:

Henry writes to announce to Blanche that he is sending representatives to make peace between him and her son. Blanche is Henry’s first cousin, both of them grandchildren of Henry II and Eleanor of Aquitaine; Louis is his first cousin once-removed.

Printed source:

Shirley, Chronicles and Memorials of Great Britain, Royal and other Historical Letters illustrative of the Reign of Henry III, 1.416-17, #344





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