A donation as reward of service


Isabella/Elizabeth of Anjou



Translated letter:

Elizabeth, by the grace of God queen of Hungary to all the faithful of Christ, present as well as future, who will look at the present writing, greetings in the eternal lord.  The summit of royal highness, the palm of victory, divinely assigned, as it is special to us, so it should be adorned with common rejoicing.  Therefore we wish to bring to the notice of all present and future by the content of these:  that when Ladislaus, illustrious king of Hungary, our dearest consort, proceeded with armed hand against the treachery of the Cumans who were resisting royal majesty, and crushed their impudence and the audacity of their unfortunate temerity on the field of battle with heavenly power; and royal highness announced the report of victory in a sign of special joy through our youth Luke, fighting in the royal battle-line; wishing that we be held indebted for the announcement of such joy and approved by the custom of the kingdom, to respond with royal reward to the uses and advantage of that Luke, to his request that we confer a certain land or village of our heralds/criers, called Atád, with all its uses and appurtenances in the county/ispánate of Somogy, with accustomary benevolence.  Truly since the truth about the quality, quantity, and circumstances of that land or village Atád was not fully known to us, nor did we wish the marks of our donation to waver under an uncertain title; to have a fuller knowledge of that village and land more perfectly and richly, we gave orders in our letters to religious men of the convent of the monastery of Somogy who wrote back to us the quality and circumstances of the whole land in their letters with these words: 
[see Epistolae 26280.html]
So wishing to carry out and complete the promises of our offer/commitment with affect and effect, we have given, donated, and conferred said land and village Atád, with all the fullness of its rights on that master Luke, on Cosmas leader of our wagon-drivers, and Benedict, his brothers, for the particular of the announced joy as much to them as to their heirs and the successors of those heirs, to be possessed perpetually within those boundaries and limits.  Therefore so that the the content of this our donation or grant may obtain the force of perpetual stability and not be able to be withdrawn by anyone as invalid over the course of time, we have granted the present letters, strengthened by the protection of our double seal.  Dated by the hand of the venerable father Thomas, by the grace of God bishop of Vác, our faithful chancellor of our court and count of Pilis.  In the year of the Lord 1284.


Original letter:

Elisabeth, Dei gratia, regina Hungariae, vniuersis Christi fidelibus, tam praesentibus, quam futuris, praesens scriptum inspecturis, salutem in Domino sempiternam.  Regiae Celsitudinis fastigia, palma victoriae, diuinitus insignita, tam nostro speciali, quam communi decet iubilo decorari.  Proinde ad vniuersorum notitiam tam praesentium, quam futurorum harum serie volumus peruenire:  quod cum Ladislaus, illustris rex Hungariae, consors noster charissimus, contra perfidiam Comanorum Maiestati regiae renitentem, manu processisset armata, eorumque proteruiam et infaustae temeritatis audaciam in campestri praelio coelesti numine contriuisset; nobisque annunciationem victoriae, in signum specialis gaudii per Luchacsium iuuenem nostrum, in acie regia militantem, sublimitas regia nunciaret; cupientes pro huiusmodi annunciatione gaudii, vt tenemur ex debito, et regni consuetudine approbata, eiusdem Luchacsii vtilitatibus et commodis, regio praemio respondere, ad peticionem eiusdem, quamdam terram, seu villam praeconum nostrorum, Attad vocatam, cum omnibus vtilitatibus suis et pertinentiis, sitam in comitatu Simigiensi, benignitate solia duximus conferendam.  Verum quia de eiusdem terrae, seu villae Attad qualitate, quantitate, et circumstantiis eius nobis veritas non constabat ad plenum, nec vellemus nostrae donationis insignia sub incerto donationis titulo vacillare; ad pleniorem notitiam eiusdem villae seu terrae perfectius et vberius habendam, religiosis viris, Conuentui Simigiensis monasterii, nostris litteris dedimus in mandatis, qui nobis totius terrae qualitatem et circumstantias in suis rescripserunt litteris in haec verba: 
(see 26280.html)
Volentes itaque promissionis nostrae pollicita affectu et effectu prosequi et complere, dictam terram, seu villam Attad, cum omni plenitudine sui iuris ipsi Lucatio Magistro, Cosmae maiori plaustrorum nostrorum, et Benedicto fratribus suis, tum ob merita seruitiorum suorum, tum etiam propter specialitatem gaudii nunciati, tam eisdem, quam eorumdem heredibus, heredumque suorum successoribus dedimus, donauimus et contulimus sub eisdem metis et terminis perpetuo possidendam.  Vt igitur huius nostrae donationis, seu collationis series robur obtineat perpetuae firmitatis, nec processu temporum valeat per quempiam in irritum retractari, praesentes concessimus litteras, dupplicis sigilli nostri munimine roboratas. Datum per manus Venerabilis Patris Thomae, Dei gratia Episcopi Vacziensis, aulae nostrae Cancellarii, et Comitis de Pylis, fidelis nostri.  Anno Domini MCCLXXXIV.

Historical context:

The queen, wishing to acquiesce to the request of one of her young retainers to grant him a certain land in Somogy, as reward for bringing her the news of her husband’s victory over the Cumans, asks the convent of St. Giles in Somogy to determine the details of the requested land by investigation of its boundaries and boundary-sharers.  Their response (see Epistolae 26280.html) gives her the information she needs to bestow the land on Luke and his brothers, to whom she has previously granted Onár (26270.html).

Printed source:

Codex Diplomaticus Hungariae ecclesiasticus ac civilis, ed. G. Fejér (Budae, Regiae Vniversitatis Vngariae, 1829—44),  5.3.223-26.  Also in Hazai okmánytár.  Codex diplomaticus patrius, v.1-8, eds. I. Nagy, I. Paur K. Ráth, D. Véghely, Györ-Budapest (1865-1891), 6.306-08.  Also in Az Árpád-házi hercegek, hercegnök és a királnék okleveleinek kritikai jegyzéke, Regesta ducum, ducissarum stirpis Arpadianae necnon reginarum Hungariae critico-diplomatica, E. Szentpétery, A. Zsoldos (Budapest, 2008), 136-37, #213.






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