
A pilot pragmatic trial of a “what matters most”-based intervention targeting intersectional stigma related to being pregnant and living with HIV in Botswana

Yang, Lawrence H.; Eschliman, Evan L.; Mehta, Haitisha; Misra, Supriya; Poku, Ohemaa B.; Entaile, Patlo; Becker, Timothy D.; Melese, Tadele; Brooks, Merrian J.; Eisenberg, Marlene; Stockton, Melissa A.; Choe, Karen; Tal, Danielle; Li, Tingyu; Go, Vivian F.; Link, Bruce G.; Rampa, Shathani; Jackson, Valerie W.; Manyeagae, Gorata D.; Arscott-Mills, Tonya; Goodman, Melody; Opondo, Philip R.; Ho-Foster, Ari R.; Blank, Michael B.

We conducted a pilot trial of an intervention targeting intersectional stigma related to being pregnant and living with HIV while promoting capabilities for achieving ‘respected motherhood’ (‘what matters most’) in Botswana. A pragmatic design allocated participants to the intervention (N = 44) group and the treatment-as-usual (N = 15) group. An intent-to-treat, difference-in-difference analysis found the intervention group had significant decreases in HIV stigma (d = − 1.20; 95% CI − 1.99, − 0.39) and depressive symptoms (d = − 1.96; 95% CI − 2.89, − 1.02) from baseline to 4-months postpartum. Some, albeit less pronounced, changes in intersectional stigma were observed, suggesting the importance of structural-level intervention components to reduce intersectional stigma.

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Also Published In

AIDS Research and Therapy

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Published Here
July 22, 2024


Intersectional stigma, Stigma intervention, Pregnant women living with HIV, Culture, Botswana