
HIV-1 capsid variability: viral exploitation and evasion of capsid-binding molecules

Saito, Akatsuki; Yamashita, Masahiro

The HIV-1 capsid, a conical shell encasing viral nucleoprotein complexes, is involved in multiple post-entry processes during viral replication. Many host factors can directly bind to the HIV-1 capsid protein (CA) and either promote or prevent HIV-1 infection. The viral capsid is currently being explored as a novel target for therapeutic interventions. In the past few decades, significant progress has been made in our understanding of the capsid–host interactions and mechanisms of action of capsid-targeting antivirals. At the same time, a large number of different viral capsids, which derive from many HIV-1 mutants, naturally occurring variants, or diverse lentiviruses, have been characterized for their interactions with capsid-binding molecules in great detail utilizing various experimental techniques. This review provides an overview of how sequence variation in CA influences phenotypic properties of HIV-1. We will focus on sequence differences that alter capsid–host interactions and give a brief account of drug resistant mutations in CA and their mutational effects on viral phenotypes. Increased knowledge of the sequence-function relationship of CA helps us deepen our understanding of the adaptive potential of the viral capsid.


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September 22, 2023


HIV-1, Lentiviruses, Capsid, Host factors, Inhibitors, Sequence variation