2003 Monographs
Advanced Training Institute on Climate Variabilty and Food Security: summary of intensive training workshop : 8-26 July 2002, Palisades, New York, USA
The Advanced Training Institute on Climatic Variability and Food Security was designed to equip young agriculture and food security professionals in developing countries to apply advances in climate prediction at a seasonal lead time to their home institutions’ ongoing efforts to address climate-sensitive aspects of agricultural
production, food insecurity and rural poverty. The Institute comprises three components: intensive training, follow-up research, and a final workshop. The International Research Institute (IRI) for Climate Prediction designed, implemented and hosted the initial phase of the Training Institute, in coordination with the GlobalChangeSystemfor Analysis, Research and Training (START), and with generous financial support from the David and Lucile Packard Foundation.
iri-cw031-advanced-training-institute-on-climate-variability-and-food-security-summary-of-the-intensive-training-workshop-8-26-july-2002.pdf application/pdf 778 KB Download File
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- IRI Workshop Proceedings
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- International Research Institute for Climate Prediction
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- International Research Institute for Climate and Society
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- March 13, 2024