A letter from Clementia of Burgundy, countess of Flanders (1098)


Clementia of Burgundy, countess of Flanders


Lambert, bishop of Arras

Translated letter:

Clementia, by the will of God countess of Flanders, to Lambert, bishop of Arras, her dearest, [wishing] whatever he desires in the Lord. Since the case which has been going on between me and the clerics of the Thérouanne church is known to you, I considered it superfluous for me to rehearse it to you. Nonetheless, since I trust you more than a little, I order and admonish you as a friend to send a messenger to the archbishop or a letter with mine to admonish and persuade him to give me full justice for the injury they do to me, and not put off giving me advice about them worthy of my rank lest, if his justice be lacking, I find it necessary to extend my hand to vindication. Farewell.

Original letter:

Clementia, nutu Dei, Flandriae Comitissa, Lamberto Atrebatensium episcopo, suo carissimo, optata quaeque in Domino. Quoniam causa quae inter me et Tarvanensis ecclesiae clericos tractatur, tibi nota est, superfluum duxi iterum tibi referre. Verumtamen, quia in te non minimum confido, mando, et ut amicum moneo, quatenus, archiepiscopo nuncium aut litteras cum meis mittas, moneas et suadeas, ut de his qui mihi iniuriam faciunt plenam iustitiam faciat, et consilium mihi et honori meo condignum super his dare non differat, ne, eius, justitia deficiente, opus sit mihi ad vindicandum manum extendere. Vale.

Historical context:

The countess writes to the bishop about a dispute she has had with clerics and asks him to send a supporting letter to the archbishop to give her justice. She gives no details because he knows the case and she ends with a threat of retaliation.

Printed source:

HGF 15, p.187, ep.24, PL162 c.664-65, ep.45, same text. Also in Le Registre de Lambert Évêque d’Arras (1093-1115), ed Claire Giordanengo (Paris: CNRS, 2007), E.44.





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