The genome of a giant clam zooxanthella (Cladocopium infistulum) offers few clues to adaptation as an extracellular symbiont with high thermotolerance

González-Pech, Raúl A.; Shepherd, Jihanne; Fuller, Zachary L.; LaJeunesse, Todd C.; Parkinson, John E.

Abstract Background
Cladocopium infistulum (Symbiodiniaceae) is a dinoflagellate specialized to live in symbiosis with western Pacific giant clams (Tridacnidae). Unlike coral-associated symbionts, which reside within the host cells, C. infistulum inhabits the extracellular spaces of the clam’s digestive diverticula. It is phylogenetically basal to a large species complex of stress-tolerant Cladocopium, many of which are associated with important reef-building corals in the genus Porites. This close phylogenetic relationship may explain why C. infistulum exhibits high thermotolerance relative to other tridacnid symbionts. Moreover, past analyses of microsatellite loci indicated that Cladocopium underwent whole-genome duplication prior to the adaptive radiations that led to its present diversity.

A draft genome assembly of C. infistulum was produced using long- and short-read sequences to explore the genomic basis for adaptations underlying thermotolerance and extracellular symbiosis among dinoflagellates and to look for evidence of genome duplication. Comparison to three other Cladocopium genomes revealed no obvious over-representation of gene groups or families whose functions would be important for maintaining C. infistulum’s unique physiological and ecological properties. Preliminary analyses support the existence of partial or whole-genome duplication among Cladocopium, but additional high-quality genomes are required to substantiate these findings.

Although this investigation of Cladocopium infistulum revealed no patterns diagnostic of heat tolerance or extracellular symbiosis in terms of overrepresentation of gene functions or genes under selection, it provided a valuable genomic resource for comparative analyses. It also indicates that ecological divergence among Cladocopium species, and potentially among other dinoflagellates, is partially governed by mechanisms other than gene content. Thus, additional high-quality, multiomic data are needed to explore the molecular basis of key phenotypes among symbiotic microalgae.


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November 20, 2024


Dinoflagellate, Genome duplication, Symbiodiniaceae, Symbiosis, Tridacnidae