A letter from Adelaide of Turin and Susa (1041)


Adelaide of Turin and Susa



Translated letter:

In the name of the holy and indivisible Trinity…in what manner lady countess Adelaide and the lords of Fenile humble with divine piety and heart … of the venerable Guido bishop of the church of Turin, granted to the monastery of holy Mary of Cavour... in width of feet as an allod in the hand of the abovesaid lord abbot John … so that that monastery may for all time have and possess an aqueduct without any contradiction of them or their heirs. First, therefore, the lords of Fenile, Albert Atto and Ainard, relatives, and certain others who held a share there, for healing of the souls of their predecessors and successors have given to the abovesaid monastery the abovesaid aqueduct as its allod from that tower of the river Pellice up to the little field. From there the most excellent countess Adelaide …. has granted as their allod from the little field and bridge up to the castle of Cavour. In addition she granted from her castle of Cavour with the aqueduct coming from it through the courtyard of that monastery up to the above-said borders. They decided by common will that the monastery would possess (it) as allod entirely. Concerning this, they established that if, which we do not believe will occur, we or anyone of our heirs will want to contradict this gift, there will be interdict by anathema marantha(1) of the abovesaid bishop and on behalf of almighty God, the most blessed virgin and by authority of Peter and Paul and all the heavenly powers and he will be banned from communion of our lord Jesus Christ until he makes satisfaction worthily. In addition he should pay one hundred pounds of gold. I, Adam, unworthy priest, by command of the venerable lord bishop Guido and of the lady countess Adelaide and relatives of the lords of Fenile, Albert Atto and Ainard, have written this charter of donation and have delivered it to be possessed into the hand of lord John, abbot of the abovesaid monastery. In the year of the lord 1041. Eighth indiction. Seal of the hands of witnesses man of God to lord Peter … of Cavour. Seal of viscount Bruno. Seal of Gross of Costeiolo. This was enacted happily in the castle of Cavour. I Chono, “neglector” of the office of the archdeaconate, praising, have consented to this donation and have signed below. I Angelbert unworthy archpriest have signed below. I Gisulf protonotary have signed. I Guido bishop of the church of Turin and bishop of the apostolic see, for the soul of our king and (our) predecessor and successor bishops of our see and of all faithful dead and living, and of the universal church, I have confirmed and strengthened with my own hand the act with the faithful canons of our church, namely with order and stability, so that if any of our successor bishops, will attempt to contradict this gift by nefarious attempt with Judas(2) … I Adelaide, countess, for the healing of my soul with all faithful of my house … this gift We lords of Fenile by common will for the salvation of our souls have praised [this gift].(3)

Original letter:

In nomine sancte et indiuidue Trinitatis . . . . qualiter domina Addasia comitissima et domini fenilis pietate diuina cordeque humiliter uenerabilis Vuidonis antistitis ecclesie taurinensis concesserunt monasterio sancte marie de caburro ... pedum latitudine per alodemtificum in manu domni abbatis iohannis supradicti ut ipsum monasterium omni tempore habeat aqueductum et possideat sine ulla contradictione eorum uel suorum heredum. primo. igitur domini fenilis. Albertus Atto atque Ainardus parentes ceterique alii qui ibi partem habebant pro remedio animarum suarum decessorum uel successorum dederunt supradicto monasterio supradictum aqueductum per suum alodem ab ipsa garia fluminis pelesi usque campilionem. dein excellentissima adelasia comitissima per dicti . . . et campilione et ponzello usque ad castra caburri per suum alode concessit. Post super ab ipso suo castro caburro aqueductu exiente per curiam ipsius monasterii usque fines supradictos concessit. Quem ut monasterium per aladoum in integrum habeat communi uoluntate decreuerunt. Super hoc quidem statuerunt ut si quis quod futurum esse non credimus ut si nos uel aliqua nostrorum heredum persona huic dono contrahire uoluerit. interdictum supradicti episcopi et ex parte dei omnipotentis beatissimae uirginis et auctoritate petri et pauli omniumque celestium uirtutum sit anathema maranatha et separetur a corpore et sanguine domini nostri Xpi quousque digne satisfaciat. Et insuper c. libras auri componat. Ego Adam indignus sacerdos hanc cartam donationis iussu donni uenerabilis uuidonis episcopi et domine adelasie comitisse atque dominorum fenilis alberti attonis atque ainardi parentum scripsi et in manu donni iohannis abbatis supradicti monasterii tradidi ad habendam. Anni domini MXLI. indictione viiii. Signum manuum testium homodeus. petro domino . . . . caburri. Signum + Bruni uicecomitis. Signum + Grossi de costeiolis. Actum est hoc in castro caburri feliciter. + Ego chono offitii archidiaconatus neglector huic donationi laudando consensi et subscripsi. + Ego angelbertus indignus archipresbiter subscripsit. + Ego Gisulfus primicerius subscripsit. + Ego Vuido taurinensis ecclesie antistes pro anima regis nostri et apostolice sedis antistes et predecessorum atque successorum episcoporum nostrae sedis cunctorumque fidelium defunctorum atque uiuorum et uniuersalis ecclesie statum manu propria firmaui corroboraui cum fidelibus nostre ecclesie canonicis uidelicet ordine et stabilitate. ut si quis huic dono nostrorum successorum episcoporum ausu nefario contrahire temptauerit cum iuda . . . . . . + Ego adelasia comitissa pro remedio anime mee hunc donum cum omnibus fidelibus domus mee... + Nos domini fenilis communi uoluntate pro salute nostrarum animarum laudauimus.

Historical context:

Countess Adelaide and lords of Fenile grant to the monastery of Cavour a source of water from the river Pellice. The editor notes that some formule in the document suggest that it is either false or there have been interpolations (e.g. lords of Fenile, the reference to parentes).

Scholarly notes:

1. Anathema marantha is a strong statement of anathema, marantha meaning “lord, come” or the lord has come, cf. 1Cor.16:22.
2. If this refers to Judas, it presumably means acting as a traitor.
3. This translation was provided by Ashleigh Imus.

Manuscript source:

Da membrana antica conservata nei Regii Archivii di Corte.

Printed source:

Historia Patriae Monumenta, edita iussu Regis Caroli Alberti, Chartarum Tomus I (Augustae Taurinorum e Regio Typographeo, 1836), c.539-40, doc.316.





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