Imiza, a lady of the Ottonian court
Title social-statuslady of the Ottonian courtBiography
Imiza was a lady at the Ottonian court, a trusted emissary, who is mentioned in a letter from Gerbert to pope John XIV, ep.14 (MGH BDKZ 2, p.36-37). Gerbert tells the pope: “Dominam Imizam, quia vos diligit, diligimus. Per eam nobis vel nuntiis vel epistolis significabitis, quicquid nos facere voletis, simulque nos per eam vobis quicquid de statu et molimine regnorum cognoverimus vestra interesse.” “We love lady Imiza, since she loves you. You will let us know through her, either by messengers or by letters, whatever you wish us to do; at the same time we will make known to you what pertains to your interests about the state and undertakings of the kingdoms.” F. Weigle, editor of the letters, mentions in a footnote to this letter the suggestion by Uhlirz that Imiza was a daughter of count Megingoz (+995) and Gerbirg/Irmintrud, hence a granddaughter of duke Godfrey the elder of Lower Lotharingia (+959).
Letters to Imiza, a lady of the Ottonian court
A letter from Gerbert of Aurillac (1/984-2/984)
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