A letter from William, son of Rodlend


William, son of Rodlend


Almodis of La Marche

Translated letter:

I, William, son of the woman Rodlend, swear to you lady Almodis, countess, my lord, daughter of the late Amelia, countess, that from this hour forward I shall be faithful to you without evil artifice and fraud and deception, on your life and all the members that are held in your body, and on that whole honor which you have today and will acquire in the future; and I shall not speak those words* which you will have uttered and told me to conceal, to no man or woman, to my knowledge, if you do not release me with willing spirit.  By God and these holy things.

Original letter:

 Iuro ego Guilielmus, filius qui sum Rodlendis, femine, tibi domne Almodi, comitisse, seniori mee, filia que fuisti Amelie, comitisse, ut de ista hora in antea fidelis ero tibi sine malo ingenio et fraude et decepcione de tua vita et de omnibus membris que in corpore tuo se tenent, et de toto illo honore quem hodie habes et in antea adquisieris; et non dixero illas parabolas, quas dixeris et mandaveris mihi ut celem eas, nulli homini vel femine, me sciente, si tu non absolveris me libenti animo. Per Deum et hec sancta.

Historical context:

Oath taken to Almodis, which includes a promise of secrecy, an unusual detail according to Bonnassie (709, n.69), who has counted 18 such oaths.

Scholarly notes:

*The text gives parabolas, which presumably has greater weight than simple words.

Printed source:

LFM 1.248, #236.  





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