A letter from Honorius III (1219)


Honorius III


Isabel of Angoulême

Translated letter:

Honorius, etc., to his dearest daughter in Christ, Isabel, illustrious queen of England. Although it is fitting that we defer to royal dignity as with God, yet the praiseworthy devotion of your excellence deserves even more, so we willingly agree to your requests with the special grace of the apostolic see, especially what you desire to hear for your peace, which we are prepared to nurture even without being asked. Therefore, dearest daughter in Christ, giving favourable assent to your just requests, since our paternal diligence is concerned to provide your tranquillity, we grant you by the authority of the presents that without special mandate of the apostolic see no sentence of interdict or excommunication can be promulgated against your person. What our venerable brother ... bishop of Orange or another is said to have promulgated against you notwithstanding, the present indulgence maintains its validity in the future. Let no one, etc. Dated at the Latern on the 16th kalends of April in the third year of our pontificate.

Original letter:

Honorius, etc., carissimae in Christo filiae Isabellae illustri reginae Angliae. Esti dignum sit nos quantum cum Deo possumus regiae dignitati deferre, tuae tamen sublimitatis laudanda devotio dignius promeretur, ut de speciali Sedis Apostolicae gratia gratanter tuis precibus annuamus, maxime quas tuae quietis causa desideras exaudire, qui etiam non rogati te intendimus favorabiliter confovere. Eapropter, carissima in Christo filia, tuis justis postulationibus gratum impartientes assensum, quia interest nostra tuae tranquilitati paterna diligentia providere, auctoritate tibi praesentium indulgemus, ut nulli sine speciali mandato Sedis Apostolicae in personam tuam interdicti, vel excommunicationis sententiam liceat promulgare, sententia excommunicationis, quam venerabilis frater noster...Xanctonen. episcopus vel alius in te dicitur promulgasse, nequaquam obstante, quominus praesens indulgentia suam in posterum obtineat firmitatem. Nulli ergo, etc. Datum Laterani decimo sexto kalendas aprilis pontificatus nostri anno tertio.

Historical context:

The pope declares that no one can pronounce sentence of excommunication against her without special papal mandate, that the sentence the bishop of Orange is said to have promulgated does not hinder the effect of this indulgence in the future.

Manuscript source:

Reg. Vat. lib.3, epist.339, fol.72; Vallic.I.53; Mus. Brit. add. mss.15351

Printed source:

Horoy, Honorii opera omnia 3.166, letters 3.156; Raynaldi Ann.Eccl.1218, n.60; Regesta Honorii Papae III, 1.320, #1939 (summary).





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