A donation


Isabella/Elizabeth of Anjou



Translated letter:

Elizabeth by the grace of God queen of Hungary.  To all to whom the presents will be shown, greetings in the savior of all.  To the worthy merits of individuals it is just to respond with rewards so that with their loyalty weighed on the scale, as they are devoted in services, so they are held commended to the title of remuneration. Therefore we wish to bring to the notice of all the contents of these:  that master Cosmas, leader of our wagon-drivers, together with his brothers Luke and Benedict, our faithful, humble begged our mercy that a certain land of our unfree warriors, within our granting and pertaining to [our] jurisdiction, called Onár (Wynar) where a few unfree warrior people resided, situated in Tolna county next to their hereditary land and neighbor of what is called Fonó, we deign to grant to them with customary benevolence for the services they supplied to us of loyalty and would supply in the future.  We also for the enumerated merits and faithful services of that master Cosmas and his brothers who were zealous to render themselves obedient before others in every kind of service, desiring to meet their deserving services and serving merits with grateful favor, inlined to their prayers and entreaties, gave, donated, and conferred said land Onár on that master Cosmas and his brothers Luke and Benedict mentioned above and their heirs and the successors of those heirs to be possessed perpetually unrestrainedly by prior condition and with the status and power of our unfree warrior people altogether exempt and excepted under ancient terms and boundaries by which it had existed and been posessed up to now and without any exception with all its uses and appurtenances.  In witness and perpetual stability of which thing we gave the present letters, strengthened by the protection of our double seal.  Dated by the hand of the venerable father Thomas, bishop of Vác, chancellor of our court.  In the 1282nd year of the Lord.  Fifth kalends of April.

Original letter:

Elisabeth, Dei gracia, Regina Hungarie.  Omnibus, quibus ostendentur praesentes, salutem in omnium Saluatore.  Pro meritis singulorum condignis equum est premiis respondere, vt lance fidelitatis pensata, sicut in obsequiis sunt deuoti, ita etiam habeantur remuneracionis titulis commendati.  Proinde ad vniuersorum notitiam harum series volumus peruenire:  quod magister Cosmas, maior plaustrorum nostrorum, vna cum fratribus suis Lucach et Benedicto, fidelibus nostris, clementie nostre humiliter supplicarunt, quod quamdam terram nostrorum exercitualium populorum, nostrae collacionie, et iurisdictioni spectantem, Wynar vocatam, vbi pauci exercituales populi residebant, sitam in Comitatu Tolnensi, contiguam terre ipsorum hereditarie, et vicinam Funov vocate; pro impensis nobis sue fidelitatis obsequiis et in posterum impendendis, ipsis conferre benignitate solita dignaremur.  Nos itaque eiusdem magistri Cosme, et fratrum suorum fidelibus meritis et obsequiis recensitis, qui in omni genere seruiciorum se pre ceteris obsequiosos reddere studuerunt, cupientes ipsorum meritoriis obsequiis, et obsequiosis meritis grato occurrere cum fauore, eorumdem supplicationibus et precibus inclinate, dictam terram ville Wynar, a priori condicione, et statu ac potestate exercitualium populorum nostrorum exemptam penitus et exceptam, sub terminis et metis antiquis, quibus hactenus habita exstitit et possessa, sine exceptione qualibet, cum omnibus vtilitatibus et pertinenciis suis, dedimus, donauimus et contulimus eidem Magistro Cosme, et fratribus suis Luche, et Benedicto superius annotatis, ac eorum heredibus, heredumque suorum successoribus irrefragabiliter perpetuo possidendam. In cuius rei testimonium, et perpetuam firmitatem, presentes dedimus litteras, dupplicis sigilli nostri munitione roboratas.  Datum per manus Venerabilis Patris Thome, Episcopi Vaciensis, aule nostre Cancellarii.  Anno Domini MCC octuagesimo secundo.  Quinto kalendas Aprilis.

Historical context:

In response to their request, the queen bestows a land adjacent to theirs on her wagon-drivers, Cosmas and his brothers for their faithful service.  Zsoldos, The Árpáds and Their Wives, 120, identifies Elizabeth as Isabella.

Printed source:

Codex Diplomaticus Hungariae ecclesiasticus ac civilis, ed. G. Fejér (Budae, Regiae Vniversitatis Vngariae, 1829—44),  5.3.126-27.





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