
Climate and DRR Education as a Case for Lifelong Learning

DeVincenzo, Joshua L.; Kainaat Jah, Syeda; Theodoridou, Kleoniki (Lydia)

We live in a society where climate change has already shown its impact across the world with devastating consequences. The alarming frequency of extreme weather events leading to tremendous disasters leaves us all perplexed and anxious about what will be coming next without taking any immediate action. Bearing that in mind, Dr. Joshua L. DeVincenzo with M.A Student Syeda Kainaat Jah both from Columbia University will delve into elaborating on how we can educate and engage more people from all walks of life in terms of understanding the climate impacts and the importance of implementing effective disaster risk reduction strategies.


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Academic Units
National Center for Disaster Preparedness
European Geosciences Union
Published Here
August 15, 2024