A letter from Thomas of Savoy (1238, August)


Thomas of Savoy



Translated letter:

Thomas, count, and Joan, his wife, countess of Flanders and Hainaut, to all who will view the present letters, greeting. May all know that we have benevolently granted that the beloved and our faithful Franco, provost of Bruges and chancellor of Flanders, may confer tithes of flax lying in the parish of Somerghem, belonging to our fief, which he possesses by hereditary right, as alms to the abbess and convent of the haven of blessed Mary in Ghent, to be possessed peacefully in perpetuity. We also for the salvation of our souls and for the souls of our ancestors quitclaim those same tithes from feudal right, for the use of the aforesaid nuns. Therefore so that these things remain sure in perpetuity we have caused the present letters to be written and strengthened by the affixing of our seals. Dated in the year of the Lord 1238, in the month of August.(1)

Original letter:

Th[omas], Flandrie et Hainonie comes et Johanna comitissa, uxor eius, omnibus presentes litteras inspecturis, salutem. Noverint universi quod nos benigne concedimus ut dilectus et fidelis noster F[ranco], Brugensis prepositus et Flandrie cancellarius, decimas lini in parrochia de Somerghem jacentes, ad feodum nostrum pertinentes, quas hereditario jure possidet et conferat in elemosinam abbatisse et conventui de portu beate Marie Gandensi in perpetuum pacifice possidendas. Nos quoque pro salute animarum nostrarum ac pro animabus antecessorum nostrorum easdem decimas a iure feodali quitas clamamus ad opus monialium predictarum. Ut hec igitur in perpetuum firma permaneant presentes litteras scribi fecimus et sigillorum nostrorum appensione muniri. Datum anno Domini M°CC°XXX° octavo, mense Augusto.

Historical context:

The countess and her second husband, Thomas of Savoy, grant the donation of tithes which he held in fief from them by their chancellor to the convent of St. Mary in Ghent.

Scholarly notes:

1 This translation was provided by Ashleigh Imus.

Printed source:

Johanna van Constantinopel, Gravin van Vlaanderen en Henegouwen ed. Theo Luykx, Verhandelingen van de Koninklijke Vlaamsche Academie voor Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schoone Kunsten van Belgie, Klasse der Letteren, VIII.5 (1946), 578-79, ep.51.


1238, August



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