A letter from Alix of Vergy (1218, September)


Alix of Vergy, duchess of Burgundy



Translated letter:

I Alix Duchess of Burgundy make known to all who will look at the present letters that I did homage to lord Durand, bishop of Chalon because of my illness, since at that time I was detained seriously in my home in the mountain of Talant, save by the right and honor of the church of Chalon. Enacted in this 1218th year of grace in the month of September.

Original letter:

EGo Aalidis Ducissa Burgundie notum facio universis presentes litteras inspecturis, me fecisse homagium Domino Duranno Cabilonensi Episcopo causa infirmitatis meae,quia tunc temporis graviter detinebar in domo mea sita in monte de Talentis, salvo jure & honore Ecclesie Cabilonensis. Actum est hoc anno gratiae M. CC. XVIII. mense Septembris.

Historical context:

The duchess declares that while she was gravely ill in his house at Talant, she did hommage to Durand, bishop of Chalon. The text says her house, the editor's note says his.

Printed source:

Urbain Plancher, Histoire generale et particuliere de Bourgogne (Dijon: Antoine de Fry, 1739), 1.177.


1218, September



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