A letter from Adelaide


Adelaide of Turin and Susa



Translated letter:

On Tuesday, the tenth day of the month of March in the city of Turin, in a castle built over the gate which is called Susa, in the presence of lord Erenzo viscount of Turin and lord Pagano also viscount, of Auriate, and judge of the sacred palace, and lord Burgund also judge, and lord Marino abbot of Cavour, and Amico of the city of Pavia and Constantine prefect of the city of Susa, and also Uberto, and Nazario, and Eremberto or other good men by the staff which lady Adelaide, countess, daughter of the late marquis Manfred held in her hand, gave investiture to the canonry of St. Mary built within the city of Susa by the hand of Constantine, priest, and to the canonry for the mercy and remedy of her soul and that of the souls of the late marquis Manfred, her father, and the late countess Bertha, her mother, and other relatives and near ones, namely from the whole tithe of the city of Susa and the territory of said city, except the tithe from the chapel of the castle of that city, as is known to pertain to that city and the whole tithe from the town which is called Sille and the town Mattie with all the churches which are known to pertain to this tithe, with all their offerings, and from the church which is called St. Didero* with two properties from the dowry of that church, and with all the offering of that church, in such a way that the canons who are now ordained in that canonry and those who from now on will be and will live there under the rule, may do as they will with the use and consumption and service of that canonry without any opposition from lady Adelaide, countess, and her heirs and future heirs, as was said, for the mercy and remedy of her soul and the souls of her father and mother and other relatives and near ones.  This was done in the one thousand eightieth year from the incarnation of our Lord Jesus Christ, on this Tuesday, third indiction.  Sign of the hand of this lady Adelaid, countess, who had this letter of investiture made, as above.  I, Aldeprand, who am called Bello, notary of the sacred palace, was present and wrote this letter of investiture.

Original letter:

Die martis, decimo die mensis martii in civitate Taurini, in castro constructo supra porta, quae dicitur Secusina, praesentia domini Erenzonis vicecomitis Taurinensis et domini Pagani item vicecomitis Auradiensis atque iudicum sacri palatii, seu domini Burgondionis item iudicis, sive domni Marini Cavurrensis abbatis, atque Amici de civitate Papiae et Constantini Castaldionis  de civitate Secusiae, nec non et Uberti, seu Nazarii, atque Eremberti sive caeterorum bonorum hominum per croculam, quam sua tenebat manu domina Adalegida comitissa filia quon­dam Maginfredi marchionis dedit investituram canonicae sanctae Mariae constructae infra civitate Secusia per manum Constantii presbyteri et canonicae pro mercede et remedio animae suae et animarum istius quondam Maginfredi marchionis gcnitoris sui et quondam Bertae comitissae genitricis suae atque caete­rorum parentum atque propinquorum suorum nominative de omni decima istius civitatis Secusiae et territorio praedictae civitatis, excepta decima de capella castri istius civitatis, sicut pertinere videtur istae civitati et de omni decima de vico qui vocatur Sille, et de vico Matico cum omnibus ecclesiis , quibus hae decimae pertinere videntur, cum omnibus offersionibus earum, et de ecclesia quae dicitur sancti Desiderii cum duobus mansis de dote ipsius ecclesiae, et cum omni offersione ipisus ecclesiae, eo tenore ut faciant canonici illi qui nunc in ipsa canonica ordinati sunt, et illi qui de hic in antea fuerint et regulariter vixerint, ad usum et sumptum atque utilitatem istius canonicae quod voluerint sine omni dominae Adalegidae comitissae, suorumque haeredum ac prohaeredum contradictione, ut dictum est, pro mercede et remedio animae suae et animarum istorum genitoris et genitricis suae atque caeterorum parentum et propinquorum mercede. Factum est hoc anno ab incarnatione Domini nostri Iesu Christi millesimo octuagesimo, isto die martis, indictione tertia. Signum manus istae dominae Adalegidae comitissae que hoc breve investiturae fieri rogavit ut supra. Ego Aldeprandus, qui Bello sum vocatus, notarius sacri palatii interfui et hoc breve investiturae scripsi.


Historical context:

The countess grants the tithes of Susa, with certain exceptions, to the canonry of St. Mary of Susa.

Scholarly notes:

*  As identified by Muletti, 1.261, n.4.

Printed source:

Muletti, Memorie storico-diplomatiche appartenenti alla città ed ai marchesi di Saluzzo, 1. 261-62.



1080, March 10



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