A letter from Alix


Alix of Vergy, duchess of Burgundy



Translated letter:

To all to whom these present letters should come, greetings.  We make known that the noble man Erard of Brienne and the noble woman Philippa his wife in our presence established at Molesme in the year of the incarnation of the Lord 1222, in the month of April on the octave of Easter, by their own will, acknowledge that they had quit and remitted, and moreover they quit and remitted there to our beloved and faithful Blanche countess palatine of Troyes, and count Thibaut her son whatever they claimed in the county of Champagne and Brie as fully contained in the letters of said Erard and Philippa, his wife.  Moreover that same Erard and Philippa sought from us and asked us assiduously that everything we had seen contained in the letters of either of them composed about said quittance, and whenever they are shown to us by said countess and count or at their command, we will testify and confirm by our patent letters,and we promise to the said countess and count to do this.  Enacted in the year and month and day specified above at Molesme.

Original letter:

Alaidis ducissa Burgundie. Universis ad quos presentes littere pervenerint, salutem. Notum facimus quod vir nobilis Erardus de Brena, et nobilis mulier Philippa uxor ejusdem in nostra presentia constituti apud Molismum anno incarnationis Domini M CC XX secundo, mense aprili in octabis Pasche, propria voluntate sua recognoverunt se quitavisse et remisisse, et insuper quitaverunt et remiserunt ibidem dilectis et fidelibus nostris Blanche comitisse Trecensis palatine, et Th(eobaldi) comiti nato ejus quicquid clamabant comitatu Campanie et Brie sicut in cartis dictorum Erardi et Philippe, uxoris ejus plenius continetur. Preterea petierunt a nobis iidem Erardus et Philippa, et nos attente rogaverunt, ut ea omnia que viderimus contineri in litteris utriusque ipsorum super dicta quitatione confectis, quandocumque a comitissa et comite supradictis vel a mandato ipsorum nobis exhibebuntur per nostras patentes litteras testificemur et confirmemus, et nos istud facere promittimus comitisse et comiti supradictis.  Actum anno mense et die predictis apud Molismum.

Historical context:

The duchess confirms, at their request, that Erard and Philippa gave up their claims to Champagne.

Printed source:

The Cartulary of Countess Blanche of Champagne, edited by Theodore Evergates, © The Medieval Academy of America 2010 (University of Toronto Press, 2009), 301-02, #340.  Reprinted with permission of the press.


1222, April 10



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