A letter from Aleide


Aleide/Adelaide of Cleves
Theoderic/Dirk VII, count of Holland



Translated letter:

In the name of the holy and individual trinity.

I, Theoderic, by the grace of God count of Holland, and my wife Aleide by that same grace countess of Holland, wish to make known to all that we have granted to the brothers of the church of Aulne, in respect of the sacred religion by which they are known to operate, for the salvation of our souls and those of our ancestors, that they be free  from every toll on all the things which they buy for the use of the church in our land, and immune from every collection of conduct or passage for all their things which they bring through our land by sea or land vehicles or any other modes.  And we have taken those brothers as well as their things under our protection and [safe] conduct.  That this remain stable and untroubled in posterity, we have conferred the present page on this to the church, protected by the appending of our seals and the underwriting of witnesses.  S[ign] of Otto, count of Bentheim. S[ign] of Baldwin his son. S[ign] of Theoderic of Althena.  S[ign] of Roger of Merheim. S[ign] of Stephen of Sulen. S[ign] of Arnold of Riswick.  Dated at Dordrecht in the 1202nd year from the incarnation of the Word, 6th kalends of April.

Original letter:

In nomine sancte et individue Trinitatis.

Ego Theodericus, Dei gratia Hollandie comes, et Aleidis uxor mea, eadem gratia Hollandie comitissa, omnibus notum volumus fieri, quod fratribus Alnensis ecclesie, intuitu sacre religionis qua pollere disnoscuntur, pro salute animarum nostrarum et antecessorum nostrorum concessimus, quatinus de universis rebus quas ipsi ad proprios usus ecclesie sue ement in terra nostra, ab omni theloneo liberi sint, et de omnibus rebus suis quas ipsi tam navigio quam vehiculo vel aliis quibuslibet modis per terram nostram ducent, immunes sint ab omni exactione winagii sive passagii. Et tam ipsos fratres quam ipsorum res sub protectione et conducto nostro suscipimus.Quod ut stabile et inconvulsum permaneat in posterum, presentem super hoc ecclesie contulimus paginam, sigillorum nostrorum appensionibus et testium subscriptionibus munitam. S. Othonis comitis de Benthehem. S. Balduyni filii eius. S. Theoderici de Althena. S. [R]ogeri de Mercheim. S. Stephani de Su[l]en. S. Arnoldi de Risuich. Datum Durdrach anno Verbi incarnati M°CC°II°, VI0 kl. aprilis.


Historical context:

The count and countess grant immunity to the brothers of the church of Aulne from all tolls for things they bring by sea or land.

Printed source:

Oorkondenboek van Holland en Zeeland tot 1299, ed. A.C.F.Koch,  1.433, #259.


1203, March 27



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