A letter from Raymond of Saint Gilles


Raymond of Saint Gilles


Bernard Ato IV
Ermengard of Carcassonne

Translated letter:

Brief recording of the plea and the agreement that count Raymond made with Ermengard viscountess and her son Bernard Ato:

I count Raymond [of Saint Gilles] pledged by [my] his faith to viscountess Ermengard and her son Bernard Ato help against Peter Berengar and his nephew Aymeri and all the viscounts of Narbonne.  And in case count Raymond deceived viscountess Ermengard and her son Bernard Ato about this, he sent into the power of that viscountess and of Bernard Ato, Tridmund Elesiar and William of Sabran, and Pons William of Bariag, and Pons Rainouard and Peter of Albarone and Peter Rostaing and Pos of Agonès and Ictor of Mirabel, and Peter Riculf of Cornone.

Original letter:

Breve memoratorium de placito & de convenientia que fecit Raimundus comes ad Ermengardem vicecomitissam & ad Bernardum-Atonem filium suum. 

Plevi Raimundus comes per suam fidem ad Ermengardem vicecomitissam & ad Bernardum-Atonem filium suum adjutorium de Petro-Berengario & de Aimerico nepote suo & de totos vicecomites de Narbona.  Et si Raimundus comes de oc engannava Ermengardem vicecomitissam aut Bernardum-Atonem filium suum, misit in potestate de ipsa vicecomitissa & de Bernardo-Atone Tridmundum-Elesiar, & Gilelmum de Sabrano, & Poncium-Gilelmum de Bariag, & Poncium Rainoardum, & Petrum de Albarone, & Petrum-Rostagni, & Poncium de Agone, & Ictor de Mirabel, & Petrum-Riculfum de Cornone.

Historical context:

Raymond of Saint Gilles pledges his help to his cousin, the viscountess, and her son, reinforcing his pledge with several hostages.  This seems to be mainly in the third person, though the verb of pledging is in the first.

Printed source:

Histoire Générale de Languedoc 5.635, #328, CCLXX.  





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