A letter from Matilda of Tuscany, countess of Tuscany, duchess of Lorraine (1108, March 2)


Matilda of Tuscany, countess of Tuscany, duchess of Lorraine



Translated letter:

In the name of the holy and indivisible trinity. In the year of the incarnation of our lord Jesus Christ 1108, on the second day of the month of March, fifteenth indiction. You have in God’s name, requested of me, Matilda, countess, daughter of marquis Boniface, that to you, in Christ’s name, Natalia Mazola and John your son, requestors both to you and to your children and grandchildren and your heirs up to the full third and fourth person of renewing, from the present day I renew you by right of tenants, concerning an arable piece of land with everything located on it in the burg of Argelata within borders of this same piece of land, from both sides having ten measures (pertica), twenty-six and a half feet, from one side of the land of holy Mary, from another side land of the heirs of Peter Remengarde, which the heirs of John of Fuscolo, Leo of Montone, hold, and from one headland eleven measures (pertica) near the land of the aforesaid holy Mary and from another headland seven and a half measures near a ditch, and if there are any others. May you have this piece of land, keep it, and thenceforth do whatever will please you and your heirs. And (may you also have) permission of selling and giving, saving the pension to be paid to me and my heirs of two blanched pennies every year. And at the time of renewal you renew from me or my heirs. And I, countess Matilda with my heirs, promise to authorize and defend for you, Natalia and John, your son, and your heirs, the aforesaid piece of land from any person of men, and (I promise) not to do or claim or introduce a suit, in the name of penalty of a hundred shillings of Verona currency, and once the penalty is paid may this renewal remain firm. Enacted in the castle of Floranelli. I, countess Matilda, sought to write this renewal. Names of witnesses: Alberic, son of Bulgar and Rodulf of Garfagnano and Azo of Sala and Albert Joculus and Lanfranc of Savignano and Albert of John Paul. I, Florus, scrivener, wrote and completed this renewal.1

Original letter:

In nomine sancte et individue trinitatis. Anno ab incarnacione domini nostri Iesu Christi milleximo centeximo octavo, die secundo mensis marcii, indictione quintadecima. Petistis a me, in dei nomine Matilda cometissa, filia marchionis Bonifacii, uti vobis, in Christi nomine Natalia Mazola et Ioanni filio tuo, petitoribus tam pro vobis quamque pro filiis et nepotibus vestris et vestris heredibus usque ad expletam terciam personam et quartam renovandi per emphiteuticarium ius a presenti die renovo vos de pecia una terre aratoria cum omnia super se posita in burgo de Argelata inter affines eiusdem pecie terre, ab ambobus lateribus abente pertice decim, pede viginti et sex et mediam, ab uno latere terra sancte Marie, ab alio latere terra de heredibus Petri Remengarde, quam detinent heredes Ioannis de Fuscolo Leonis de Montoni, et ab uno capite pertice undecim iusta terram predicte sancte Marie et ab alio capite pertice septem et media iusta fossam, vel si qui sunt aliis. Hanc autem peciam terre abeatis, teneatis et quicquit vobis vestrisque heredibus placuerit, exinde facite. Et licencia vendendi et donandi, salva pensione mihi et meis heredibus persolvenda omni anno denarii duo blanchi. Et in tempore renovacionis a me vel a meis heredibus renovate. Et ego commetissa Matilda cum meis heredibus vobis, Natalia et Ioanni filio tuo vestrisque heredibus predictam peciam terre ab omni persona hominum defensare et autorizare promitto et non agere neque contextare aut litem inferre, sub nomine pene centum solidorum Verone, et soluta pena hanc renovacionem firmam permaneat. Ego commetissa Matilda hanc renovacionem scribere rogavi. Testium nomina: Albericus filius Bulgari et Rodulfus de Garfagnano et Azo de Sala et Albertus Joculi et Lanfrancus de Sauignano et Albertus Ioanni Pauli. Ego Florus tabellius hanc renovacionem scripsi et complevi

Historical context:

Matilda renews tenant rights to Natalia Mazola, her son, and her heirs.

Scholarly notes:

1. Ashleigh Imust provided this translation.

Printed source:

Die Urkunden und Briefe der Markgräfin Mathilde von Tuszien, ed. Elke Goez and Werner Goez (Hanover: Hahnsche Buchhandlung, 1998), ep.107.


1108, March 2



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