A letter to archbishop Conrad I of Salzburg


Sophia of Hungary


Archbishop Conrad I of Salzburg
Bishop Roman I of Gurk

Translated letter:

To the most reverent lords and fathers C[onrad] by God’s grace archbishop of the church of Salzburg and R[oman] bishop of the church of Gurk, S[ophia] once daughter of a king now one devout handmaid of those of Admont, obedience submission [and] service of prayer.  Having spurned the bedchamber of an earthly prince I desire, though unworthy, to be joined with the eternal king, I fear less to displease your excellence, fathers and lords, since I hear that the good will and action of all men pleases you.  Therefore from the whole world I have chosen to serve god in a place [Admont] in your diocese, where I propose to subjugate [myself] to the heavenly spouse under your patronage, if it should please his mercy.  The faith and mercy which up to now I have known you to keep with my parents, do not disdain to show to me, though an unworthy and undeserving handmaid; receive me a daughter and handmaid, do not, I ask, deny me paternal love.  Move the soul of my brother, now somewhat absent from me, I beseech, by your messengers and your letters and take care to instruct him according to the wisdom given you by god, that he not turn his sibling affection away from me, so that I might exchange the earthly spouse for the heavenly.

Original letter:

Reverentissimis dominis et patribus C. Salzb(urgensis) ecclesie deo digno archie(piscopo) , R. Gurz(ensis) ecclesie episcopo S. quondam regis filia nunc autem devota ipsorum ancilla de Admuntes(ibus) una ob(edientiam) subiectionem or(ationem) servicium. Quod spreto terreni principis thalamo eterno regi licet indigna copulari desidero, vestre, patres et domini, excellentie eo minus displicere timeo, quo et omnium hominum bonam voluntatem et actionem vobis complacere audio. Ideoque de toto mundo in vestro episcopatu locum N. ad serviendum deo elegi, ubi sub vestro patrocinio celesti sponso, si eius misericordie ita complacuerit, subarrari proposui. Fidem namque et misericordiam quam meis hucusque progenitoribus a vobis conservari agnovi, mihi quoque licet indigne vel immerite ancille tamen v(os) exhibere non dedignemini, ut filiam et ancillam me suscipite, paternam quam quero, dilectionem non negate. Fratris quoque mei animum, si quid erga me quod absit, habet commotionis, nuntiis, queso, et litteris v(estris) mitigate eumque secundum datam vobis a deo sapientiam commonere curate, quatinus germanam dilectionem a me ideo non avertat, quod terrenum sponsum pro celesti commutaverim.


Historical context:

A more formal request for ecclesiastical support in Sophia's desire to become a nun at Admont than her longer letter to the archbishop.

Printed source:

August von Jaksch, “Zur Lebensgeschichte Sophias, der Tochter König Belas II von Ungarn,” Mitteilungen des Instituts für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung II (1888), 377.  


1146, spring



This is an archived work created in 2024 and downloaded from Columbia University Academic Commons.