2013 Conference Objects
Resting state inter and intra hemispheric human brain functional connectivity
Resting-state functional connectivity between neuroanatomical regions has attracted significant attention in recent years. In the process of obtaining the resting-state functional connectivity map of the human brain from blood-oxygen-level-dependent fMRI signals, it is common to average the signals from left and right hemispheres. This averaging can introduce unappreciated complexities and unintended consequences not related to the research question of interest. In this paper, we mathematically demonstrate that measures of functional connectivity obtained by averaging homologous regions from the both hemispheres become undesirably dependent on four interhemispheric connectivity measures. We explore this finding in real-world fMRI data from 25 healthy young participants. We show that inter-hemispheric averaging has a mixed effect on the results and may introduce correlation artifacts to the connectivity map. Furthermore, we show mathematically and demonstrate with Monte Carlo simulations of null data that inter-hemispheric averaging will not alter human brain connectivity map at rest only and if only there are no interhemispheric correlations.
Razlighi et al. - 2013 - Resting state inter and intra hemispheric human br.pdf application/pdf 305 KB Download File
Also Published In
- Title
- 2013 35th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC)
- https://doi.org/10.1109/embc.2013.6611049
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- Academic Units
- Neurology
- Published Here
- February 11, 2022