A Letter from Guy of Lusignan and Sibylla


Guy de Lusignan
Sibylla of Jerusalem



Translated letter:

Let it be known to all present as well as future that I Guy by the grace of God eighth king of the Latins in the city of Jerusalem and lady Sibylla, my wife, venerable queen there, we give and grant to the lord God and the hospital of the Teutons which is built in honor of [lacuna] and gloriously always virgin Mary, a house in Acre to make the hospital, namely the one in which the Armenians and patrons were accustomed to be housed.  If truly we can not give said gift, we give them the plaza beside said house, where they may make a hospital according to their will.  This we give and grant by the hand of master Sibrand, who began and built this hospital during the siege of Acre.  We give and grant also to said hospital 4 measures (carrucatas) of land in the territory of Acre.  That the authority of this our donation and grant to the hospital named may remain in force and indissoluble in eternity, we have had the present page protected and strengthened by the subscribed witnesses and our seal.  Witnesses of this thing are count Joscelin, royal seneschal; Anzellinus, royal constable; Henfred of Montreal; Hugo Tyberiadis; Reynald of Sidon; Galfred Tortus.  It was done in this 1190th year from the incarnation of the lord, 8th indiction; given during the siege of Acre by the hand of Peter, royal chancellor, archdeacon of the church of Tripoli, in the middle of September.


Original letter:

Notum sit omnibus tam presentibus quam futuris, quod ego Guido per dei gratiam in sancta civitate Ierusalem Latinorum rex octavus et domina Sybilla, uxor mea, per eandem venerabilis regina, donamus et concedimus do­mino deo et hospitali Alamannorum, quod est hedificatum in honore ...  et gloriose semperque virginis Marie, domum unam in Accon ad faciendum hospitale, illam videlicet, in qua Armeni et patrones solebant hospitari. Si vero dictam domum dare non poterimus, donamus eis plateam iuxta dictam domum, ubi possint facere hospitale ad voluntatem suam. Hoc autem donamus et con­cedimus per manum magistri Sibrandi, qui hoc hospitale incepit et edificavit in obsidione Accon. Donamus eciam et concedimus prescripto hospitali iiii carrucatas terre in territorio Accon. Ut autem huius nostre donacionis et concessionis auctoritas sepe nominato hospitali rata in eternum et indissoluta permaneat, presentem paginam testibus subscriptis muniri et sigillo nostro fecimus roborari. Huius rei testes sunt comes Ioscelinus, regis senescalcus; Anzellinus, regis constabularius; Henfridus Montis regalis; Hugo Tyberiadis; Rainaldus Sydonis; Gaufridus Tortus. Factum est anno incarnationis domini m° c° xc° indiccione viii; datum in obsidione Accon per manum Petri, regii cancellarii, Tripolitane ecclesie archidiachoni, medio septembris.

Historical context:

Guy and Sibylla give the hospital of St. Mary of the Teutons, undertaken by Sibrand in the siege of Acre, the house in this city or the plaza next to it. 

Printed source:

Tabulae Ordinis Theutonici ex Tabularii Regii Berolinensis Codice Potissimum, ed. Ernestus Strehlke (Berlin:  Weidmann, 1869), 22, #25.  RRH #696.


1190, mid September



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