A letter from Aleid
Aleid/Adelaide of HollandReceiver
PublicTranslated letter:
Aleid, sister of the late lord William, illustrious king of the Romans and wife of the late lord John of Avesnes, to all who will look at the present letter greetings and to know the truth.
How much more we sincerely love religious places, so much more willingly do we bestow favor on them in those things which look to their advantage.
Therefore we wish it to come to the knowledge of everyone that, since we defend the land of Holland and Zeeland by hereditary right and succession after our beloved brother lord Florens and vacant ecclesiastical benefices fall within our gift or presentation in that land, having considered the need of the new establishment of nuns of the Premonstratensian order in Koningsveld, we have freely and piously conferred on said nuns with a view to divine retribution every right of patronage, granting, presentation, or rank of the church of Pijnacker and the church itself, which falls to us with full right, with all its revenues and appurtenances, immediately when it became vacant after the death of lord William, the legitimate rector at that time of that church, and we have conferred it on them to be possessed in perpetuity free of challenge.
That this pious and just grant, made for the remedy of the souls of our brothers of bright memory, lord William, king of the Romans, and lord Florens, who honored said monastery assiduously with the special privilege of favor, be observed more firmly and inviolably, we have conferred the present page in quite full evidence on those nuns, strengthened by the protection of our seal.
Dated at Koningsveld in the 1264th year of the Lord, on the Friday before the feast of John the Baptist.
Original letter:
Aleydis, quondam soror domini Willelmi regis Romanorum illustris et quondam uxor domini Iohannis de Auennis, universis presentem litteram inspecturis salutem et noscere veritatem.
Quanto sincerius loca religiosa diligimus, tanto libentius super hiis, que ipsorum profectum respiciunt, favorem eis benevolum inpertimur.
Igitur ad noticiam singulorum cupimus pervenire quod, cum adhuc hereditario iure et successive post dilectum fratrem nostrum dominum Florentium terram Hollandie et Zelandie tueremur et ecclesiastica beneficia vacantia ad nostram in eadem terra spectarent donationem sive presentationem, nos cosiderata necessitnos conate novelle plantationes sanctimonialium Premonstratensis ordinis in Conigsvelt omne ius patronatus, collationis seu presentationis vel personatus ecclesie de Pinackere et ipsam ecclesiam ad nos pleno iure spectantem, cum omnibus proventibus et pertinentiis suis, statim cum vacabat post mortem domini Willelmi legitimi plebani tunc temporis ipsius ecclesie, dictis sanctimonialibus divine retributionis intuitu liberaliter et pie contulimus et adhuc conferimus perpetuo sine calumpnia possidendam.
Ut autem hec pia et iusta collatio, facta ob remedium animarum clare memorie fratrum nostrorum domini Wilhelmi Romanorum regis et domini Florentii, qui dictum monasterium assidue speciali prosecuti sunt prerogativa favoris, stabilior et inviolabilior observetur, in evidentiam pleniorem presentem paginam ipsis sanctimonialibus contulimus sigilli nostri munimine roboratam.
Datum apud Conigsvelt anno Domini M° CC° sexagesimo quarto, feria sexta ante festum beati Iohannis Baptiste.
Historical context:
The countess announces her gift of a church with its rights and revenues to a new establishment of Premonstratensian nuns, in memory of her brothers.
Printed source:
Oorkondenboek van Holland en Zeeland tot 1299, ed. A.C.F.Koch3.380-81, #1358