Request for a postponement


Fenenna of Kuyavia


Bishop of Waciens

Translated letter:

F[enenna] by the grace of God queen of Hungary to the venerable father in Christ H[aab] by the same [grace of God] bishop of Waciens greetings and full grace.  Since the venerable father B[enedict], bishop of Veszprém, chancellor of our court, was not able to appear personally at that time on the case which was said to be brought in your presence against the chapter of Dymisiens on the octave of St. Stephen King.  We ask your paternity by the presents that you wish by your grace to postpone that case in that state and without harm in the judgment to the next Sunday after the feast of the Nativity of the glorious Virgin, so that on that day that lord bishop of Veszprém may appear personally in your presence on that case  Dated at Buda on the fourth day of the  week (Wednesday) after the octave of St. Stephen, king.

Original letter:

F. [= Fenenna] Dei gratia regina Vngarie venerabili in Christo patri H. [= Haab] per eandem episcopo Waciensi salutem et gratiam plenam. Cum venerabilis pater B. [= Benedictus] episcopus Wesprimiensis aule nostre cancellarius in causa, quam contra capitulum Dymisiense in octavis Sancti Stephani regis in vestra moveri dicitur presentia, nequeat ista vice personaliter comparere. Paternitatem vestram recquirimus per presentes, quatenus ipsam causam in eodem statu absque iudicii gravamine ad diem dominicam proximam post festum Nativitatis Virginis gloriose vestri gratia velitis prorogare, ut in ipso die ipse dominus episcopus Vesprimiensis in vestri presentia super ipsa causa valeat personaliter comparire. Datum Bude feria quarta proxima post octavas Sancti regis Stephani.

Historical context:

The queen requests a postponement for a bishop who is unable to attend a hearing.

Printed source:

Az Árpád-házi hercegek, hercegnök és a királnék okleveleinek kritikai jegyzéke, Regesta ducum, ducissarum stirpis Arpadiana, ed. A. Zsoldos (Budapestini, 2008), 169, #272.


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