A letter from Guillelma of Montpellier (1166, October)


Guillelma of Montpellier


Durand Alfred of Bedillan

Translated letter:

I Guilelma viscountess of Nimes for myself and for my son the viscount …. give and hand over as fief in perpetuity without deception to you Durand Alfred of Bedillan and to you Peter his brother and your children and all your successors namely one estate which is called Redounel, which is in the tithe-area of St. Saturnine of Calvitio, in a place called Escata. By such pact, I give you this estate, namely that you and your successors give me the viscountess and the viscount a tax from all the fruits which are produced by the estate, wheat and wood and rabbits [or hoarhound], 2 heads [capita] of rent each year, and because of this gift I had from you 10 Melgueil sous. This was done in the presence of William of Ecclesia, and Peter Petit deacon of Anglata, Peter of Poscheriis of Vinaz, Peter Bedoc weaver of Bedillan, Bernard his brother-in-law. Peter of Rodez wrote [it].

Original letter:

Anno ab Incarnatione Domini M[C]LXVI, in mense octobris, in nomine Domini. Ego Guilelma vicecomitissa Nemausensis per me & per filium meum vicecomitem…. dono & trado ab beneficium in perpetuum sine dolo tibi Duranto Alafredo de Bedillano & tibi Petro fratri ejus & infantibus & omnibus successoribus vestris scilicet unum podium qui vocatur Redounel, qui est in decimaria Sancti Saturnini de Calvitione, in loco qui vocatur Escata. Tali videlicet pacto dono vobis hunc podium quod vos & successores vestri mihi vicecomitisse & vicecomiti de omnibus fructibus qui de podio exierint, de blado & de ligna & de coniliis tascham detis in unoquoque anno II capita de censu, & propter hanc donationem habui a te x solidos Melgorienses. Hoc est factum in presentia Guilelmi de Ecclesia, & Petri Petiti diaconi de Anglata, Petri de Poscheriis de Vinaz, Petri Bedocii texetoris de Bedillano, Bernardi cognati ejus. Petrus de Rothenis scripsit.

Historical context:

The viscountess grants a fief and specifies the tax owed for it.

Printed source:

Devic and Vaissette, Histoire Générale de Languedoc (Toulouse: Privat, 1875) 5.1300-01, #667.3.,


1166, October



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