A letter from and Eleazar of Sauve (1168)


Eleazar of Sauve
Guillelma of Montpellier



Translated letter:

In the 1168th year of the Lord’s Incarnation, an accord that Lord Eleazar of Sauve and his brother Lord Rostaing had at St. James with the viscountess of Nimes, lady Guillelma [who] came to speak with them and told them that she had heard that they wished to sell all that they had at Bernis and she forbid them to sell to other than her son, what they held from him and she would give them as much with other, and moreover Rostaing de Sauve and Eleazar his brother acknowledged that they held from the viscount all that they had at Bernis and said that they did not wish nor would they sell it to another. Afterwards the viscountess told them that she needed the place at Bernis and they handed over to the viscountess the keys to their place at Bernis for Peire de la Torre and his use, the things that are there.

Original letter:

Aqesta carta es de I'estar que ac a Berniz Elesiars de Salve & sui infantes. Anno ab Incarnatione Domini M°C°Lx VIII", ses devenc que nElslars de Salve e sos fraire en Rostanz aurerun a Sang Jacme, el vescontessa de Nemse na Guillelma venc ab elz a parlament, e dis lur que ela avia auzit dir, que il voliun vendre tot quant avion a Berniz e vedet lur que non o vendesson ad altre se a son fil, oc qe de lo teniun, & ela daria lur en aitant con altre, e mais Rostainz de Salve & Ilisiars sos fraire conogron qe del vescomte teniun tot quant aviun a Berniz e disserun que ia non o volriun ad altre ni o vendriun. Apres la vescontessa dis lur, que l'estars da Berniz lur lavia obs, & il trameserun a la vescontessa las claus del lur estar de Berniz per Peirun de la Torre, & sun aizo elas que aizi sun cosidas.

Historical context:

This charter records an agreement with the viscount about the place that Eleazar of Sauve and his children had at Bernis. The text is almost entirely in Provençal/Occitan.

Printed source:

Devic and Vaissette, Histoire Générale de Languedoc (Toulouse: Privat, 1875) 5.1302, #667.5.,





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