A letter from the Count of Pallars


Artau II, Count of Pallars


Raymond IV, count of Pallars
Valencia of Tost

Translated letter:

In the name of God.  I Artau, count of Pallars, and my wife Eslonza, and I Odo, to you, our buyers, count Raymond and your spouse, countess Valencia.  By this document of our sale and exchange we sell or commute to you that castrum of Toralla with its boundaries and appurtenances and that castrum of Eril and of Adoz and of Eures and of Vilba and that monastery of St. Mary of Lavags with its honor and that town of Boi and of Durro and of Taul and of Eril and of Vallorzera and of Cardedard, all this with their boundaries and appurtenances, and that castrum of Belera and of Reguard and of Tenriu with their boundaries and appurtenances and that region of Castello from that river(bank) of Jordia up to Talar<n>d.  And I cease those complaints that [I] had with you about Assoa and Val Segiz and other land which you have today, and those said castros and that said monastery and those said towns.  All the above, with their boundaries and appurtenances and rights, we, I Artal already named, and my wife Eslonza and my brother Odo, sell and commute to you, above-named Raymond and your said wife and your son Peter and your posterity as your own fullest allod, without any reservation, to do with as you will.  And we receive from you the gratifying price and exchange in that valley of Anavi, the town of Esil and of Son and of Ove and of Alos and of Isvarre and of Ordao and that monastery of St. Peter of Burgal with its honor and that valley of Valad and those parishes of Archalis and that castrum of Lertven and of Pervas and of Rocha and of Petra Bruna and that valley of Escoss and that monastery of St. Peter of Malezas with its honor and that castrum of Claverol and of Rivert and of Castello Acusp and that castrum of Castellet.  And we cease that complaint with you over the castle Atoro and the monastery of St. Andrew and the castrum of Ssuert and of Castserras; and in all these said we give and commute what we have and ought to have there.  And all the above came to me, Artal, from my father and whatever rights and to me, Odo, from my father or certain rights; and all the above-said to me Raymond from my father or certain rights, and to me, Valencia, by my tenth or certain rights.  And all of these of either side are in the county of Pallars.  And all these are delimited on all sides within said county; and all this is manifest.  And if we, sellers and exchangers, or any man, should attempt to disrupt all the above, he could not prevail, but he or we must pay all these doubly with all their improvements; and let this charter remain firm henceforth, what is said now for all time and not be broken.  This charter of sale and exchange was made on the 5th ides of August in the 35th year of the reign of king Philip.  Sign+ of Artau. Sign+ of Eslonza.  Sign+ of Odo, we who have had this charter made and asked witnesses to sign.  Sign+ of Dodo.  Sign+ of Peter Folc.  Sign+ of Remon Bernard.  Ferriol, priest, wrote as asked on the day and year above.

Original letter:

In Dei nomine. Ego Artallo, comite Paliarensis, et uxor mea Eslonza et ego Odo vobis, entoribus nostris, Raimundus, comes, et coniux tua Valencia, comitissa. Per hanc scriptura vindicionis et comutacionis nostre vindimus vobis vel comutamus ipso castro de Toralla cum suis terminis et pertinenciis et ipso castro de Eril et ipso castro de Adoz et ipso castro de Enres et ipso castro de Vilba et ipso monasterio de Sancta Maria de Lavags aput sua onore et ipsa villa de Boi et ipsa vila de Durro et ipsa vila de Taul et ipsa vila de Eril et ipsa vila de Vallorzera et ipsa vila de Cardedard, hoc totum cum illorum terminis et pertinenciis, et ipso castro de Belera et ipso castro de Reguard et ipso castro de Tenriu cum suis terminis et pertinenciis et ipso termino de Castello de ipso rivo de Iordia usque a Talar<n>d. Et desino vobis ipsas querellas, que abebat vobis factas de Assoa et de Val Segiz et de alia vestra terra que odie abetis, et ipsos castros iam dictos et ipso monasterio iam dicto et istas villas iam dictas. Hec omnia iam dicta, cum illorum terminos et pertinencias et directos, sic vindimus vobis et comutamus ego Artallo iam dicto et coniux mea Eslonza et fratre meo Odo ad vos, Raimundo suprascripto, et coniux vestra iam dicta et ad filio vestro Petro et ad vestra posterita ad vestrum p[l]enissimum et proprium alaude, sine ulla resservacione, ad facere vestra volumptate quecumque volueritis. Et de vos recepimus precium placibile et comutacione in ipsa valle de Anavi, ipsa vila de Esil et ipsa vila de Son et ipsa vila de Ove et ipsa vila de Alos et ipsa vila de Isvarre et ipsa vila de Ordao et ipsum monasterium de Sanctum Petrum de Burgal aput sua onore et ipsa valle de ipso Valad et ipsas parrochias de Archalis et ipso castro de Lertven et ipso castro de Pervas et ipso castro de ipsa Rocha et ipso castro de Petra Bruna et ipsa valle de Escoss et ipsum monasterium de Sanctum Petrum de Malezas cum sua onore et ipso castro de Claverol et ipso castro de Rivert et ipso castro de Castello Acusp et ipso castro del Castellet. Et definimus vobis ipsa querella de castello Atoro et de ipsum monasterium de Sanctum Andream et ipsum castrum de Ssuert et ipso castro de Castserras; et in ista omnia iam dicta sic damus et comutamus hec que ibi abemus et abere debemus. Et advenit michi Artallo ista omnia suprascripta de genitori meo vel de qualicumque voces, et ad me, Eslonza, per meum decimum sive per qualicumque voces, et ad me, Odo, de genitori meo sive per qualicumque voces; et advenit michi Raimundo ista omnia iam dicta de genitori meo sive per qualicumque voces, et ad me, Valencia, per meum decimum sive per qualicumque voces. Et est hec omnia de unaquisque parte in comitatu Paliarensis. Et affrontat hec omnia de totas partes infra iam dicto comitatu ; et est manifestum hec omnia. Et, si nos, venditores et comutatores, aut nullusque omo, venerit de omnia iam dicta ad inrumpendum, non hoc valeat vindicare, set componat aut componamus hec omnia iam dicta in duplo cum omni sua immelioracione; et in antea firma permaneat ista carta iam dicta modo vel omnique tempore, et non sit disrumpta. Facta ista carta vindicionis et comutacionis v idus agusti anno xxxv regnante Philipum, rege. Sig+num Artallo. Sig+num Eslonza. Sig+num Odo, qui ista carta fecimus et testes firmare rogavimus. Sig+num Dodo. Sig+num Petri Folconi. Sig+num Remon Bernard. Ferriolus, sacer, roggatus scripsit sub die et anno que supra.

Historical context:

Charter of sale and exchange in which count Artau and his wife Eslonza/Leonza and his brother Odo sell various places to Raymond, count of Pallars and his wife Valencia.  Artau I died in 1081.  Castrum is the administrative district around and including a fortified castle. 


Printed source:

Liber Feudorum Maior, ed. F.M. Rosell (Barcelona, 1945), 1.63-64, #49.  


August 9, 1094



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