Data (Information)

Equilibrium Mechanical Properties of the Nonhuman Primate Cervix

Fang, Shuyang; Myers, Kristin M.

These files contain experimental data from a mechanical study evaluating the equilibrium properties of a nonhuman primate (NHP) cervix during pregnancy. Spherical indentation and uniaxial tension tests were performed on all samples using a three-level load-hold protocol. Mechanical test data include equilibrium force responses for both tests and equilibrium strain responses for indentation. Dimension data include the length, width, and thickness for both the indentation and tension samples. More details are explained in the "ReadMe.txt" file.


  • thumnail for FangEtAl_2022_MechanicalTestData.rar FangEtAl_2022_MechanicalTestData.rar application/x-rar-compressed 24.9 KB Download File

More About This Work

Academic Units
Mechanical Engineering
Published Here
November 15, 2022


The data in this file correspond to the manuscript titled, "Equilibrium Mechanical Properties of the Nonhuman Primate Cervix", to be published in the ASME Journal of Biomedical Engineering in 2022. The manuscript is co-authored by Shuyang Fang, Lei Shi, Ivan Rosado-Mendez, Joy-Sarah Y. Vink, Helen Feltovich, Timothy J. Hall, and Kristin M. Myers.