A letter from Gregory IX (1231, April 10)


Gregory IX


Constance of Hungary

Translated letter:

To Constance, illustrious queen of Bohemia. Although the apostolic see, over which we undeservedly preside, as a universal mother should open its organs of piety to all, yet it does not hold all in equal affection, but loves and honors with greater preference those it finds more eager in devotion. Thence it is that we, recognizing the devotion which you are known to have to the most holy Roman church, your mother and to our person, and beyond the common debt of the pastoral office by which we are held to give care and solicitude to individuals, showing special grace to your serenity, we take under the protection of the apostolic see and of ourselves your person with all the goods which you regularly possess or may acquire in the future in just manner with God's help, especially the provinces Breclav, Pribyslavice, Dolni Kunice, Godens(?), Bzenec, and Budejovice, which you claim pertain to you by dower right, as you possess them justly and peacefully, we confirm them to you by apostolic authority and enforce that by the patronage of the present writing. Let noone, therefore, etc. infringe ... our protection and confirmation. If anyone, however, etc. Dated at the Lateran, 4th Ides of April, in the fifth year of our pontificate.

Original letter:

Constantie illustri regine Boemie. Etsi sedes apostolica, cui licet immeriti presidemus, tamquam univeralis mater omnibus aperiat viscera pietatis, non tamen omnes equali affectu prosequitur, sed maiori prerogativa personas illas diligit et honorat, quas in devotione repperit promptiores. Inde est, quod nos attendentes devotionem, quam ad sacrosanctam Romanam ecclesiam matrem tuam et personam nostram dinosceris habere sinceram, et preter comune debitum pastoralis officii, quo curam et sollicitudinem tenemur gerere singulorum, specialem serenitati tue gratiam exhibentes, personam tuam cum omnibus bonis, que impresentiarum rationabiliter possides aut in futurum iustis modis prestante Domino poteris adipisci, sub protectione suscipimus apostolice sedis et nostra, specialiter autem Brecyzlaviensem, Pribizlavensem, Conowizensem, Godeninensem, Bisenzensem et Budegewizensem provincias, quas ad te ratione dotalicii asseris pertinere, sicut eas iuste possides et quiete, auctoritate tibi apostolica confirmamus et presentis scripti patrocinio communimus. Nulli ergo etc., nostre protectionis et confirmationis infringere. Si quis autem etc. Datum Laterani, IV Idus Aprilis, pontificatus nostri anno quinto.

Historical context:

The pope takes the queen and her dower possessions under the protection of the apostolic see.

Printed source:

MGH Epistolae Saeculi XIII, Ex Registro Gregorii IX, Epistolae Selectae, 1231, ep.436.


1231, April 10



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