A letter from The church of Sens (828-829)


The church of Sens


Judith of Bavaria, Empress

Translated letter:

To the illustrious and most honorable with all nobility, glorious empress Judith, the most humble devotion of the church of Sens. We have presumed, my lady, to humbly make known to the ears of your clemency the cases of our necessity, so that we might deserve through your piety to receive consolation for them swiftly. We believe it is known to you that it was conceded to us, most unworthy, from the lord emperor that we have license to elect from our own. But when we elected the one whom you know and he was not fully received by the serenity of the lord emperor, it was permitted to us again to try if we could find another suitable to this office from amongst us. But when he was found, proper as we believe for the service of God and you, he was not accepted with full benevolence by the lord's messengers for what reason we do not know. Whence we pray your kindness, that you deign to help us in this, so that the case be suspended until we can bring the one of whom we speak to the presence of the lord emperor and yours, and however you will order, that it be discussed and examined if it would be to our benefit and suitable to your service or not. We wish you to be always protected by divine assistance and be glorified with the crown of immortality, whenever, most pious and serene lady. The most humble devotion of the people of Sens to the most excellent and honorable with all nobility empress Judith.

Original letter:

Inclytae et omni nobilitate clarissime Iudit gloriose imperatrici Senonicae ecclaesiae humillima devotio. Praesumpsimus, mi domina, auribus claemenciae vestrae necessitatis nostrae causas humiliter innotescere, ut per vestram pietatem de his caeleriter mereamur consolationem recipere. Notum esse vobis craedimus, quod nobis indignissimis a domno imperatore concessum fuerat, ut ex nobis ipsis electionem faciendi haberemus licenciam. Sed cum illum, quem scitis, elegissemus et a serenitate domni imperatoris non pleniter fuiset[sic] receptus, permisum nobis est iterum, ut alium si potuisemus ex nobis huic officio congruum inveniremus. Sed cum esset inventus, ut credimus, in Dei et vestro servitio habilis, nescimus, ob quam causam a missis dominicis non est plena benivolencia susceptus. Unde vestram oramus benignitatem, ut ex hoc nobis in adiutorium esse dignemini, quatenus causa suspendatur, donec ipsum, de quo dicimus, ad praesentiam domni imperatoris et vestram nos ipsi deducamus, et qualiter iusseritis, discutiatur et probetur, si nobis prodesse valeat et in servitio vestro aptus esse possit, an minus. Optamus vos divinis semper muniri praesidiis et inmortalitatis corona quandoque gloriari, piissima et serenisima domina. Excellentissime et omni nobilitate clarissime Iudith imperatrici Senonicae plebis humillima devotio.

Historical context:

The church asks the empress to intercede with the emperor to suspend the archiepiscopal election until they can bring their chosen candidate to the emperor. Frothar, bishop of Toul also sent letters to Einhard and to Hilduin, arch-chaplain, in support of his candidate, but we do not know if he was successful.

Printed source:

MGH Epistolae Karolini Aevi, v.3, ed. E Dummler, 1899, 286-87, repr. 1978, Frotharii episcopi Tullensis epistolae, ep.15.





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