
Neuropsychological Test Performance: A Study of Non-Hispanic White Elderly*

Touradji, Pegah; Manly, Jennifer J.; Jacobs, Diane M.; Stern, Yaakov

This study examined within-group differences in neuropsychological test performance between US versus foreign-born English-speaking White elders. Participants included 193 randomly selected English-speaking elderly community residents who self-identi®ed as non-Hispanic White. Participants were classi®ed as US (n ˆ 106) or foreign-born (n ˆ 87). All participants were independently diagnosed by a physician as nondemented. After controlling for years of education, participants born in the United States obtained signi®cantly higher scores on measures of verbal abstract reasoning, naming, and ¯uency than foreign-born elders. These results suggest that although non-Hispanics White are often treated as a homogeneous group, performance differences exist even within this group. Effects of acculturation level and language use on cognitive styles may help explain these ®ndings.



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Also Published In

Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology

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Academic Units
Published Here
February 11, 2022