Theses Master's

Merging The Digital With The Physical: Augmented Reality Technology For Digital Heritage Interpretation

Chen, Daoxin

This thesis explores the role of digital technology in enhancing heritage interpretation, with a particular focus on Augmented Reality (AR) as a tool for engaging the public with architectural heritage. It delves into the AR design processes and the potential of AR to enrich the public's understanding of cultural heritage. Grounded in the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) interpretation principles and the PrEDiC (Presentation, Embodiment, Dialogic interaction, and Cultural learning) framework for digital heritage interpretation, this study proposes a new framework that integrates AR technology with heritage interpretation. The proposed framework will be applied to analyze AR applications at three heritage sites, leading to the development of new design guidelines tailored for AR in cultural heritage settings. This guideline will try to ensure that AR applications effectively meet interpretation needs and that interactions between the public and heritage sites inform the design of AR experiences. The practical application of these guidelines will be illustrated through a design proposal for the Low Memorial Library at Columbia University. This demonstration will highlight how AR can enhance cultural understanding and foster a deeper connection between the public and cultural heritage.


This item is currently under embargo. It will be available starting 2026-06-01.

More About This Work

Academic Units
Historic Preservation
Thesis Advisors
Ramos, Halley E.
M.S., Columbia University
Published Here
May 29, 2024