A letter of donation


Clementia of Burgundy, countess of Flanders
Robert II, count of Flanders



Translated letter:

In the name of the holy and individual Trinity.  Let it be held certain by all that I Robert, by the grace of God count of Flanders, and my wife Clementia, [we] have given a certain land, Petresholt with all the tithe owing to me by right, for the salvation of ourselves and ours, to St. Mary in Bourbourg in perpetuity, with the following subscribed witnesses:  Bernard and Bertin, chaplains; Vroolf, castellan of Bergis; Thibaut of Aria; Reinger, seneschal; Odulf; Rodulf, his son; Goddin; Baldwin, chamberlain; Alan of Insula; Reingot of Molembeke.  That it might remain firm, I have enforced it with my seal.  Enacted at Aria, in the 1109th year of the Lord, 7th kalends of July.

Original letter:

In nomine sancte et individue Trinitatis. Omnibus certum constet quod ego Robertus, Dei gratia Flandrensis comes, et uxor mea, Clementia, terram quamdam Petresholte cum omni decimatione ad meum ius spectante, pro nostra nostrorumque salute sancte Marie in Broburch, subscriptis adhibitis testibus, perpetuo donavimus: Bernardo et Bertino, capellanis; Vroolfo, castellano de Bergis; Tedbaldo de Aria; Reingero, dapifero; Odulfo; Rodulfo, filio eius; Goddino; Balduino, camerario; Alaino de Insula; Reingoto de Molembeke. Quod ut ratum permaneat, sigillo meo corroboravi. Actum Arie, anno Domini M°. C°. IX°, vii° kalendas Iulii.

Historical context:

The count and countess give the land of Petresholt with its tithe to the abbey of Bourbourg.

Printed source:

Un cartulaire de l’abbaye de Notre Dame de Bourbourg, ed. Ignace de Coussemaker (Lille:  Cucoulombier, 1882-91), 1.5, #6; also in F. Vercauteren, Actes des Comtes de Flandres, 1071-1128 [Brussels:  Palais des Academies 1938], #39, p.106-07.


1109, June 28



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