A letter from Gregory VII, pope (March 1074)


Gregory VII, pope


Beatrice of Lorraine, duke of Tuscany

Translated letter:

Gregory, bishop, servant of the servants of God to Beatrice and Matilda, glorious and very dear daughters in Christ, greetings and apostolic blessing. Your nobility will not wonder at those things which I wrote you about the case of Dodo, bishop of Roselle, since it would seem inhuman to discount the prayers and grumbling of count Ugolino. He often and insistently asked me to determine his case against the Roselle bishop and see to it that that bishop do him justice. And I, trusting you especially among all the princes of the Roman empire, asked that the case between them be brought to a just and pacific end by you, so that he who is the just judge may glorify me from your zeal and piety. For your charity knows and, I think, thoroughly understands that I seek the honor of God and your salvation in all your acts. And therefore with the prophet I say: "Sacrifice the sacrifice of justice and hope in the Lord," and again: "defend the orphan, plead for widows and come and do justice with me, says the Lord." Indeed I prefer help to one's neighbor, and support of the miserable and oppressed with prayers, fasts, vigils, and other good works as much as possible for the love of God since I do not doubt, like the apostle, that true charity is preferred to all virtues. For if this mother of all virtues who compelled God to come from heaven to earth to bear our misery, did not instruct me and there were one who might assist the miserable and oppressed churches in your place, and serve the universal church, I would take pains to advise you to leave the world with all its cares. But since you do not, like many princes, cast God out of your hall, but rather invite him to come in with the sacrifice of justice, we ask you and admonish you as dearest daughters to bring the good which you began to its full conclusion. Let not human favor, love of money, or desire of vainglory cloud your sacrifice. For he sells a great thing at a low price who serves God by consideration of this life. When I write so little to you, whom I love with sincere heart, I show how involved I am in serious cares. I do not dictate such things to you through a vicar, but put myself to the labor though in rustic mode, since if I am loved as I love I know you put no mortal before me. May almighty God, by the merits of the highest lady through the authority of saints Peter and Paul absolve you from your sins and guide you to the lap of your universal mother with joy. Rome, 4th Nones of March.

Original letter:

Gregorius episcopus servus servorum Dei Beatrici et Mathildi, gloriosis ac karissimis in Christo filiabus, salutem et apostolicam benedictionem. Non miretur vestra nobilitas super his, que vobis de causa Dodonis Rosellani episcopi a scripsi, quia inhumanitas videretur, si preces et murmur Ugulini comitis parvipenderem. Importune quidem sepe me rogavit, ut causam ipsius contra Rosellanum episcopum iuste discernerem et, ut idem episcopus sibi iustitiam faceret, procurarem. Ego vero de vobis singulariter inter omnes principes Romani imperii confidens rogavi, ut ad certum et iustum ac pacificum finem per vos causa inter eos: duceretur, quo ille, qui iustus iudex est, a vestro studio vestraque pietate me instante glorificetur. Scit enim caritas vestra et omnino, ut reor, intelligit, quod in omnibus actibus vestris honorem Dei vestramque salutem requiro. Et ideo cum propheta dico: "Sacrificate sacrificium iustitie et sperate in Domino"; et iterum : "Iudicate pupillo et defendite viduas et venite et arguite me, dicit Dominus." Ex amore quidem Dei proximum diligendo adiuvare miseris et oppressis subvenire, orationibus ieiuniis vigiliis et aliis quam pluribus bonis operibus prepono, quia veram caritatem cunctis virtutibus preferre cum apostolo non dubito. Nam si hec mater omnium virtutum, que Deum de celo in terram, ut nostram miseriam ferret, compulit venire, me non instrueret et esset, qui miseris et oppressis ecclesiis vestra vice subveniret ac universali ecclesie deserviret, ut seculum relinqueretis cum omnibus eius curis, monere procurarem. Sed quia de vestra aula, ut multi principes, Deum non abicitis, immo sacrificio iustitie ad eam venire invitatis, rogamus vos et ut karissimas filias ammonemus, bonum quod cepistis ad perfectum finem perducatis. Non favor humanus, non amor pecunie, non desiderium vane glorie vestrum sacrificium possit obfuscare. Vili enim pretio magnam rem vendit, qui huius vite intuitu Deo servit. Quod vobis, quas sincero corde diligo, parum scriba, gravi cura me implicitum esse manifesto. Vobis enim in talibus non aliquem vicarium in dictando acquiro, sed me ipsum labori, licet rusticano stilo, subpono, quia, si diligor ut diligo, nullum mortalium mihi preponi a vobis cognosco. Omnipotens Deus meritis suppreme domine per auctoritatem beati Petri et Pauli a cunctis vos peccatis absolvat et ad gremium universalis matris vestre cum gaudio perducat. Data Rome IIII. Nonas Martii: Tudictionc XII.

Historical context:

Gregory asks Beatrice and her daughter to mediate and decide a case between bishop Dodo of Roselle/Grosseto and count Ugolino.

Printed source:

MGH EpSel, ep.1.50, p.76-77


March 1074



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