A letter from Henry III (10/28/1263)


Henry III


Beatrice of Savoy

Translated letter:

[summary] On Sunday the feast of the Apostles Simon and Jude there were handed to John de Kam, yeoman of Edward the king's son, eleven pairs of letters to take beyond seas, to wit, one patent of 1000L. wherein the king is bound to the duke of Brunneswic, two letters procuratorial, and eight letters close, to wit, to the queen of England, the queen of France, the countess of Provence, Edmund the king's son, P. bishop of Hereford, P. count of Savoy, John Mansell, and Master H. de Gandavo.

Historical context:

The entry records that a letter was sent to the countess, but does not disclose the contents.

Printed source:

Calendar of the Patent Rolls preserved in the Public Record Office, Henry III, v.5 1258-66 (London: Mackie and Co., 1908), 295





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