A letter of request


Isabella/Elizabeth of Anjou



Translated letter:

E[lizabeth] by the grace of God queen of Hungary to her faithful in the chapter of the church of Alba, greetings and grace.  Since count John, son of Zsidó asked us to give him the land of Ómerse in the county of Tolna, in which Karachinus from the people of our “condicionals” is said to have lived, but the truth of its quality and quantity is not known:  we command firmly directing your loyalty to give your loyal man as witness before whom our man Master Luke, son of Bágyon, going to that land, may inquire and know the full truth about its quality and quantity, and as he establishes it for you, you will write back faithfully to us.  Dated at Buda on the third day of the octave of the Purification of the Glorious Virgin.

Original letter:

E. Dei gracia Regina Vngarie fidelibus suis Capitulo Ecclesie Albensis salutem et graciam.  Cum Comes Johannes filius Sydo terram Omerse Reginalem in Comitatu Tolnensi existentem, in qua Carachynus de populis condicionalium nostrorum commorari dicitur, pecierit a nobis sibi dari, et de qualitate et quantitate eiusdem nobis ueritas non constet:  fidelitati vestre firmiter precipiendo mandamus, quatenus detis hominem uestrum fidelem pro testimonio, coram quo Magister Lucachyus homo noster filius Bagun, accedendo super eandem terram, sciat et inquirat de qualitate et quantitate ipsius plenam ueritatem, et sicut uobis constiterit, nobis fideliter rescribatis.  Datum Bude tercio die octauarum Purificacionis Uirginis Gloriose.


Historical context:

The queen requests information about the land she has been asked for and which she will grant (see 26200 html).   Zsoldos identifies Karachinus as master of the queen’s court (magister curie …domine regine), The Árpáds and Their Wives, 122.  Conditionales or condicionarii are people who belonged to the estate and were obliged to perform certain unspecified services, 50.


Printed source:

Árpádkori új okmánytár:  Codex diplomaticus Arpadianus continuatus, vols. I-XII, G. Wenzel ed. (Pest-Budapest: 1860-74), 12.471-2, #391.





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