A letter from Adela, countess of Blois, Chartres, and Meaux (1101)


Adela of England, Countess of Blois



Translated letter:

It is to be noted and retained in memory that when the countess Adela was for a time at Epernay, Hugh, count of Troyes and his wife Constance came to visit and speak with her. To whom the countess gave great thanks because of the not inconsiderable love they had for the church of Molesme and especially for the benefice of the property of Rumilly which they conferred on St. Mary, half in their lifetime and the whole after death, in the hearing of Gaufrid, son of Otran, and she beseeched them with many prayers that they would carry further the good which they had begun. On that day also the lord abbot Robert came to Epernay to speak to said countess and she gratefully praised said gift before him and his monks, that is Odo, Hugh, Hatho, and also faithfully granted whatever they might wish to give. Also the countess Adela, daughter of the king of the English, and her three sons, William, Thibaut, and Stephen, granted the gift. Stephen, vicecount is also a witness; and Bortard of Liseio; Ansulf of Claromonte; Hugh, son of Rainald; Fulk Parvus; Waleran of Feritate; Rainald of Escalferias. This grant was made at Columbier on the second nones of April. The sign of countess Adela. The sign of William, her son. The sign of Thibaut. The sign of Stephen their brother.

Original letter:

Notandum, et memoriter retinendum, quod comitissa Adela cum quodam tempore esset apud Sparnacum, Hugo, comes Trecensis, cum sua conjuge Constantia, ad eam visitationis et conlocutionis gratia advenit. Quibus utrisque predicta comitissa pro amore quem erga Molismensem ecclesiam non modicam habebant, et precipue pro beneficio potestatis Rumiliaci, quam sanctae Mariae in vita sua dimidiam et post mortem totam contulerant, audiente Gaufrido, filio Otranni, magnas gratias retulit, et bonum, quod ceperant, ut in melius perficerent, multis precibus exoravit. Ipso autem die domnus abbas Robertus prefatae comitissae locuturus apud Sparnacum advenit, et iterum coram eo et suis monachis id est Odone, Hugone, Hathone, supradictam donationem ipsa gratantur laudavit, et etiam quicquid donare vellent fideliter concessit. Idem quoque donum Adela comitissa, regis Anglorum filia, et ejus tres filii Guilelmus, Teotbaldus et Stephanus concesserunt. Stephanus etiam vicecomes inde testis est; Bortardus etiam de Liseio; Ansulfus de Claromonte; Hugo, filius Rainaldi; Fulco Parvus; Gualerannus de Feritate; Rainaldus de Escalferias. Haec autem concessio facta est aud Columbarium II nonas aprilis. Signum Adelae comitissae +. Signum Guilelmi ejus filii +. S. Teotbaldi +. S. Stephani eorum fratris +.

Historical context:

Another charter cited by D'Arbois de Jubainville as "charte du comte Hugues", but signed by Adela and her sons, granting the gift. It mentions a visit of Hugh and his wife Constance to Adela and her gratitude for their generosity to the abbey of Molesme.

Manuscript source:

Archives de la Cote-D'Or, 1er Cartul. de Molesme, p.15-16.

Printed source:

Histoire des Ducs et Comtes de Champagne, depuis le VIe s. jusqu'a la fin du XIe, H. D'Arbois de Jubainville (Paris: Aug. Aubry, 1861, v.3), document 78, p.411-12.





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