Ermessend of Melgueil


Title social-status
Countess of Melgueil
Date of Death


Ermessend was the daughter of Beatrice, countess of Melgueil, and Bernard Pelet, lord of Ales.  She was her mother's chosen heir, over the brother Beatrice had disinherited.  She was married first to Peter Bermund of Sauve, with whom she apparently had a son who did not survive her, and after Peter's death quickly remarried to Raymond (VI) of Toulouse, whose father would protect the inheritance.  Ermessend died a few years later without children and the land went to the county of Toulouse.

Letters from Ermessend of Melgueil

A letter to Public (1176, November 3)
A letter to Raymond V, count of Toulouse (1172, December 12)


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