A letter from Gregory I, pope (July 596)


Gregory I, pope


Brunhild, queen of Austrasia and Burgundy

Translated letter:

Gregory to Brunhild queen of the Franks. The series of your letters which contained the religious spirit and zeal of a pious mind, not only made us praise the intention of your will but also invited us willingly to concede what you asked. For it is not fitting for us to deny what Christian devotion and the desire of a righteous heart urge, especially when we know that it is asked and embraced with the whole mind, which could do no other than protect the faith of believers, cause and preserve the salvation of souls. Therefore, greeting your excellence with suitable honor, we declare to the bearer of the presents Leparicus, who you wrote was a priest and through whom we received the eloquence of your letters, that we offer with fitting veneration the relics of our blessed apostles Peter and Paul according to the request of your excellence. But so that more and more praiseworthy and religious devotion may shine in you, it is for you to ensure that the bounty of the saints be treated with reverence and fitting honor and those serving them afflict them with no burdens or harms, lest they become useless and sluggish in the service of God in imminent external necessity, and the bounty of the saints sustain neglect or, let it not be, forbid harm. Let your excellence therefore see to their peace so that while they are guarded with your favor they may be free from all disturbance and give praises to our God with a sure mind and increase your reward in eternal life.

Original letter:

Gregorius Brunigildae reginae Francorum. Epistolarum vestrarum series, quae religiosum animum et piae mentis studium continebat, non solum voluntatis vestrae nos fecit laudare propositum, sed etiam libenter invitavit postulata concedere. Nec enim negare nos decuit quod christiana devotio et recti cordis desiderium flagitabat, praesertim dum illa postulari et tota amplecti mente cognovimus, quae et credentium fidem valde protegere et animarum salutem operari nihilominus poterunt ac servare. Atque ideo congruo honore vestram excellentiam salutantes indicamus latori praesentium Leparico, quem vos esse presbyterum scripsistis, per quem eloquia vestrarum suscepimus litterarum, reliquias nos beatorum apostolorum Petri ac Pauli iuxta excellentiae vestrae petitionem cum ea veneratione qua dignum est praebuisse. Sed ut in vobis magis magisque laudabilis et religiosa possit clarere devotio, providendum vobis est, ut sanctorum beneficia cum reverentia et debito honore condantur et servientes ibidem nullis oneribus nullisque molestiis affligantur, ne forsitan necessitate exterius inminente in Dei servitio inutiles segnesque reddantur et iniuriam, quod absit, neglectumque beneficia sanctorum collata sustineant. Quieti ergo eorum excellentia vestra prospiciat, quatenus, dum vestro beneficio liberi ab omni fuerint inquietudine custoditi, et illi Deo nostro secura mente laudes exsolvant et vobis in aeterna vita merces adcrescat.

Historical context:

Gregory sends the relics of saints Peter and Paul Brunhild had requested and tells her to take good care of them.

Printed source:

MGH, Gregorii Pape Registrum Epistolarum, ep.6.55, 1.430, also HGF4 ep.10 p.18.


July 596



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