Documentaries (Documents)

Place Forward - The RISE Project

Momin, Sofie; Mailman Digital Learning Studio

Reimagining Infection Safety Engagement (RISE) is a dynamic student-led non-profit organization dedicated to bringing diverse communities together to promote health safety and reduce the transmission of infectious diseases in high foot-traffic centers through education, community organizing, and youth engagement.”

Place FORWARD is a student-produced digital archive committed to the pursuit of placed-based learning and strengthening our connections at Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health to the people and communities we are situated in, which is Washington Heights. We hope to create learning experiences that inform and empower students to self-reflect and act in their personal and professional lives.

Place FORWARD actualizes the charge of the FORWARD initiative by providing opportunities for students and faculty to learn about the Washington Heights community, to build trust with the Washington Heights community, and commit to advancing racial equity in the public health spaces in Washington Heights.


More About This Work

Academic Units
Mailman Digital Learning Studio
Place Forward
Published Here
July 7, 2023

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