A letter from Elisabeth of Schoenau ()


Elisabeth of Schoenau


Burchard, abbot of Odenheim and his brothers

Translated letter:

To lord Burchard, venerable abbot of Odenheim, sister Elisabeth of Schonau sends greetings and faithful prayers. On the vigil of Saint Lawrence, one of your brothers came to me as if ready for a journey which he was planning to make to Jerusalem. He told me that it was your desire and plan to undertake that same journey. He told me many things and earnestly asked me to inquire about the will of God about them. That same night, while I was at Matins, suddenly the Lord placed His words in my mouth, and I announced them in this way. The one who was and who is and who is to come, the omnipotent one, says these things. I am the way and the truth and the life (Jn. 14:6). Those who enter through me will be saved and will come to the city of Jerusalem which is on high. There they will rest and find great reward for their labor and weariness. But there are some unrighteous people, murderers, and evil-doers who need penance and go to Jerusalem, seeking the patriarch and his counsel, as is beneficial to them. But you, sons of light, are not like this! O foolish and slow hearted in believing! Don’t you know that if you seek me with all your heart, behold, I am there to help? I admonish you who are a pastor of sheep: Stretch forth your pastoral staff with all diligence and strike strongly. Gently arrange everything for all those subject to you, whom you have undertaken to govern and guard, like a faithful and prudent servant. Do not shake off my yoke from your neck, but let it be gentle and bearable to you. And I order you through my right hand: Do not do those things which are in your heart because they do not proceed from a good conscience. They will seduce you so that you will fall into the pit. But if you do not consent to my counsels and if you despise my commands, I the Lord will destroy you and wipe out your name from the book of life. So now, attend to those who are under your rule; beseech, reprove, rebuke, admonish. Improve yourself and do not give place to the devil (Eph. 4:27) who is always circling, seeking someone to devour. Receive my fatherly admonition with thanksgiving and welcome back this brother of yours with free blessing, for the Lord of all loves him and will do things in him that are pleasing in His sight. Again I warn you: Walk in the way of my contemplation, like beloved sons, with all humility and obedience, without murmuring, detraction, and envy, so that your celestial Father will not be blasphemed by you and angered, lest you perish from the just path, that is, the path of His contemplation. Walk, while there is still light in you, lest the shadows of death surround you. Walk in this way till you see the God of gods in Sion and He makes you reign with Him in glory without end. Amen. (1)

Original letter:

Domino B. venerabili abbati de Otinheim soror E. de Sconaugia salutem et orationes fideles. In vigilia sancti Laurentii venit ad me unus ex fratribus vestris quasi expeditus ad iter, quo Jerosolimam ire disponebat, et voluntatem vestram ac propositum de eodem itinere agrediendo mihi aperuit. Cumque multa mecum contulisset, ac me de inquirenda voluntate domini super his diligenter rogasset, nocte eadem, dum interessem matutinis, posuit dominus verba sua subito in ore meo, et pronuntiavi ea hoc modo. Hec dicit, qui erat et qui est et venturus est omnipotens: Ego sum via et veritas et vita. Siquis per me introierit, salvabitur, et veniet Jerusalem civitatem, que sursum est, et ibi requiescet, et inveniet retributionem magnam pro labore et fatigatione sua. Sunt ergo aliqui homines iniusti, homicide, malefactores, qui indigent penitentia et veniunt Jerusalem querentes patriarcham et consilium eius, ut expedit eis. Vos autem filii lucis non sic. O stulti et tardi corde ad credendum. An nescitis, si quis quesierit me in omni corde suo, ecce adsum ei in adiutorium? Sed admoneo te, qui est pastor ovium, cum omni diligentia, extende virgam pastoralem et percute fortiter, suaviterque omnia dispone circa subditos, quos suscepisti regere et custodire, quasi fidelis servus et prudens, et jugum meum noli excutere de collo tuo, sed sit tibi suave atque portabile. Et ego precipio tibi per dexteram meam, que sunt in corde tuo, ne facias, quia non sunt de bona conscientia, sed seducunt te, ut cadas in foveam. Sin autem non consenseris consiliis meis et precepta mea contempseris, ego dominus conteram te, et delebo nomen tuum de libro vite. Nunc igitur attende circa eos, qui sub regimine tuo sunt, obsecrando, arguendo, increpando, admonendo. Et ememdate vos in melius, et nolite dare locum diabolo, qui semper circuit querens, quem devoret. Et paternam meam ammonitionem suscipite cum gratiarum actione, et istum fratrem vestrum recipite grata benedictione, quia dominus omnium diligit eum, et faciet in eo, que sunt beneplacita coram ipso. Et iterum admoneo vos: Ambulate in via contemplationis mee, sicut filii karissimi cum omni humilitate et obedientia, sine murmuratione, since detractione, et invidia, ut non plasplemetur pater vester celestis in vobis, et irritetur, et ne pereatis de via iusta, id est de via contemplationis eius. Ambulate, dum adhuc lux erit in vobis, ne tenebre mortis vos comprehendant, donec videatur deus deorum in Syon, et faciet vos regnare cum ipso in gloria sine fine. Amem.

Historical context:

Elisabeth transmits God’s advice to the abbot on attending to his pastoral responsibility rather than making a pilgrimage to Jerusalem. She also advises his brothers to observe the monastic virtues.

Scholarly notes:

(1)This translation is copyrighted by Anne Clark. For permission to reproduce, contact Paulist Press.

Printed source:

Die Visionen der hl. Elisabeth und die Schriften der Aebte Ekbert und Emecho von Schönau, ed. F.W.E. Roth (Brünn: Verlag der Studien aus dem Benedictiner- und Cistercienser-Orden, 1884), Bk.6, ch.7, p.142-43; trans. Anne L. Clark, The Complete Works of Elisabeth of Schönau (New York: Paulist Press, 2000), 7.



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