A letter from Aleid


Aleid/Adelaide of Holland



Translated letter:

We, Aleid sister of lord William illustrious king of the Romans of brilliant memory and wife of the late lord John of Avesnes, make known to all that we ordered that an area on the eastern side of the cemetery in New Schiedam beside that cemetery, of four rods width and five rods length extending straight from the land of Old Polre towards the stream called Scie, directly opposite said area another similarly four rods in width, extending in length from the public space (foro) and common space (platea) up to said stream, so that they will in no way occupy the public and common spaces, be granted to John of Rijnsburg and his heirs by feudal right and in perpetual hommage, so that namely whatever they cause to be made in said lands or areas or what they bring there, it grants to his wife and their heirs for their own use without feudal right, which we declare by the presents under the protection of our seal.

Dated in the 1264th year of the Lord, the Thursday after the Nativity of the blesse virgin Mary.

Original letter:

Nos Aleydis germana inclite recordationis domini Willelmi Romanorum regis illustris et uxor quondam domini Iohannis de Auennis notum facimus universis quod nos ab orientali parte cimiterii in Nouo Sciedammo iuxta idem cimiterium aream unam ad latitudinem quatuor virgarum, ad longitudinem vero a terra Veteris Polre quinque virgarum versus rivum qui Scie dicitur directe se extendentem, ab opposito vero aree predicte directe aliam aream similiter quatuor virgarum in latitudine, in longitudine vero a foro et a platea communi usque ad predictum rivum se extendentem, ita quod nullo modo plateam vel forum occupabunt, Iohanni de Rinsburg et heredibus suis feodali iure et in homagio libere perpetuo duximus concedendas, ita videlicet quod quicquid in predictis fundis vel areis fabricari fecerint vel attulerint sibi, uxori sue et eorum heredibus sine feodali iure ad proprios usus cedat, quod sub sigilli nostri munimine presentibus protestamur.

Datum anno Domini II M° CC° sexagesimo quarto, feria quinta post Nativitatem beate Marie virginis.

Historical context:

The countess announces a grant of land, with its specific measurements and location, to a man and his wife and heirs.

Printed source:

Oorkondenboek van Holland en Zeeland tot 1299, ed. A.C.F.Koch, 3.390-91, #1366


1264, September 11



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