A letter from Henry III (07/10/1256)
Henry III
Beatrice of Savoy
Translated letter:
[summary] Bond to B. countess and marchioness of Provence and countess of Forchalch[ier], the king's mother, and to Master Henry, archbishop of Embrun (Ebredulenensis), in 1000 marks for the defence of the castles of Provence which the countess holds in the king's name and which Charles, count of Provence, has invaded; and promise to pay 500 marks of this at the Exchequer of Michaelmas next and 500 at Easter.
Historical context:
The castles which had been bound as security to the king when Beatrice negotiated a loan from him to her husband were in her keeping after her husband's death, but disputed by another son-in-law, Charles of Anjou. She would eventually have to surrender them, but not until she had Henry's agreement. The printed patent rolls give only a summary of the text in English.
Printed source:
Calendar of the Patent Rolls preserved in the Public Record Office, Henry III, v.4 1247-1258 (London: Mackie and Co., 1908), 487
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