A letter of donation


Agnes, daughter of Payn fitzJohn



Translated letter:

May those in the present and future know that I, Agnes, daughter of Payn fitzJohn, for the salvation of my soul and the salvation of all my ancestors and all my heirs gave and granted in pure and free and perpetual alms to God and the church of St. Mary and St. John the Baptist of Godstow and the nuns serving God there my windmill that stands over the mound outside my “vill” of Dinton next to the royal road which goes from Oxford towards Aylesbury, and four acres of my land adjacent to said road and the mill and going from the mill to the east, to be had and held in perpetuity freely and quit of all secular service. And so that my donation remain firm and undisturbed I have strengthened it with the affixing of my seal. With these witnesses abbot Hugh of Osney, Ralph of Lichfield, John of Watlington, canons, Wymund brother, Robert of Mortimer my son-in- law, Alice my daughter, Thomas and Waleran chaplains, master Christian my doctor, Roger of Bona Villa clerk, John my clerk and kinsman, Roger of Ackham my clerk, Walter my painter, Thomas seneschal of Godstow, Luke gate-keeper, William of Baghurst, Robert of Clare, John a smith, and many others, clerics and laymen.

Original letter:

Sciant tam presentes quam futuri quod ego Agnes filia Pagani filii Johannis pro salute anime mee et pro salute omnium antecessorum et omnium heredum meorum dedi et concessi in puram et liberam et perpetuam elemosinam deo et  ecclesie sancte Marie et sancti Johannis baptiste de Godestowe et monialibus ibidem deo servientibus molendinum meum ad ventum quod stat super hogam extra villam meam de Donynton' juxta regiam viam que tendit ab Oxeneford' versus Ailesbiriam, et quatuor acras terre mee viciniores predicte vie et molendino et tendentes de molendino versus orientem, habenda inperpetuum et tenenda libere et quiete ab omni seculari servitio. Et ut hec mea donatio rata et inconcussa permaneat eam sigilli mei appositione corroboravi. Hiis testibus Hugone abbate de Osenay, Radulpho de Licchesfeld', Johanne de Wattlinton' canonicis, fratre Wymundo, Roberto de Mortuo Mari genere meo, Alicia filia mea, Thoma et Walerano capellanis, magistro Christiano medico meo, Rogero de Bona Villa clerico, Johanne clerico meo et consanguineo, Rogero de Ackham clerico meo, Waltero pictore meo, Thoma senescallo de Godestowe, Luca janitore, Willelmo deBaggeherst, Roberto de Clera, Johanne fabro, et multis aliis tam clericis quam laicis. 

Historical context:

Agnes gives a windmill outside Dinton  and 4 acres to Godstow.

Printed source:

I am grateful to Emilie Amt for this text which is now available in The Latin Cartulary of Godstow Abbey, ed. Emilie Amt, (Oxford:  Oxford University, 2014), 77, #134.





This is an archived work created in 2024 and downloaded from Columbia University Academic Commons.