A letter from Thomas of Savoy, count of Savoy (1244, December 3-4)


Joan of Constantinople, Countess of Flanders
Thomas of Savoy, count of Flanders



Translated letter:

The count and countess of Flanders owe these debts, the accounting for which was done in the year of the Lord 1244, the Saturday after the feast of the blessed apostle Andrew. To the Templars in Paris 4000 Parisian pounds, from which some payment was made through John Petitdieu and afterward the countess and master Peter received from the same one approximately 2000 pounds or more or about that, according to what will be found through good accounting. To Clare, Florentine citizen 500 Artesian pounds are owed; to the same one 170 pounds sterling; to the same 1301 Tournoise pounds. To the bankers/usurers of Oudenarde 100 Tournoise pounds; to the bankers/usurers of Courtrai 100 Tournoise pounds; to the bankers/usurers of Furnes 100 Tournoise pounds; to the bankers/usurers of Poperinghe 100 Tournoise pounds; to the bankers/usurers of Bruges 100 Tournoise pounds and 50 Artesian pounds; to Albric of Wales 440 Artesian pounds; to William Asinari 114 Artesian pounds, 12 shillings, 8 pennies; to Otheboult 200 Artesian pounds; to lord Jeffrey of Haignies 50 Tournoise pounds; to the bankers of Mons 29 Artesian pounds, 6 shillings, 8 pennies; to Berard Bertranni 100 Artesian pounds; to Obert Cachoul 25 Artesian pounds; to Rener Bordon or his brother Giles 500 Parisian pounds; to the lord king of the Franks 3000 Tournoise pounds; to the son of viscount Augustus 50 Tournoise pounds; to the boys of Jacob Clawer 1875 Artesian pounds; to Baldwin Sterboni 22.5 Artesian pounds; to Rebaillus of Laon around 60 Parisian pounds; to Isabel of Chimay 300 Artesian pounds; to the hospital of Lille 500 Artesian pounds; to Ernaud of Perigord 720 Artersian pounds; to Albric of St. Bavo 300 Artesian pounds; to Hugh Ruff of Ypern 25 Artesian pounds; to Albric of Hasnon 300 Parisian pounds; to Hendrik van Damme 14 Artersian pounds; to Alard of Calceia 10 Artesian pounds; to master John of Lens 60 Artesian pounds; to the queen of France [Blanche of Castile] for the abbess Markette 500 Parisian pounds; to Robert Crespin, citizen of Artois 450 Parisian pounds; to Bartholomew of Fuer and his associates 330 Parisian pounds; to Ginoth of Gornar, burgess of Peronne, 200 Artesian pounds; to Ernand of Reims approximately 90 Parisian pounds; to Marc Mair 100 Parisian pounds; to the same 60 Parisian pounds; to Diederik van Beveren 100 Parisian pounds; to John Yzaak 20 Parisian pounds; to lord Jan de la Haie 450 Artesian pounds; to Gossin of Elene 50 Artesian pounds; to Conrad the Parisian goldsmith 171 Parisian pounds, 5 shillings; to Horboille of Compiègne 60 Parisian pounds; to a burgess of Ghent through the hand of master Henry 100 Parisian pounds; to lord Philip de la Hamaide 60 Artesian pounds; to lord Nicholas of Quievraing 60 Artesian pounds; to lord Gor. of Viane 60 Artesian pounds; to lord Jacob of Hainaut 50 Artesian pounds; to lord Walter of Gonlam 50 Artesian pounds; to lord Gilon of Berlaymont 50 Artesian pounds; to lord Godfrey of Winchi 50 Artesian pounds; to lord Robert of Barbencon 50 Artesian pounds; to lord Walter of Braine 50 Artesian pounds; to lord Robert of Wargnies 30 Artesian pounds; to lord Walter of Linmnem 45 Artesian pounds; to lord Alard of Louvignies 30 Artesian pounds; to lord Nicholas of Peruwelz 30 Artesian pounds; to lord Walonde la Deuse 25 pounds; to lord Alard Barad 25 pounds; to lord William of Haussy 30 Artesian pounds; to lord Henry of Hazebroek 30 Artesian pounds; to lord Nicholas of Mainvault 25 Artesian pounds; to lord Nicholas of Houlenghe 25 Artesian pounds; to lord Gossuin of Poix 25 Artesian pounds; to lord Gerard of Maldeghem 30 Artesian pounds; to lord Theodore of Neuville 20 Artesian pounds; to lord Siger of Gonham 30 pounds; to lord Gilon of Blangy 30 Artesian pounds; to lord Eustace of Rode 100 Artesian pounds; to the son of the lord of Morialme 40 Artesian pounds; to the lord Jacob of Charchanne 100 Tournoise pounds; to Jacob Bertranni and Marc Mair 300 Tournoise pounds; to lord R[e]nail 66 pounds, 13 shillings, 4 pennies of sterling; to the host of Pernau 100 Parisian pounds; to Raimbaud of Valencienne 50 Artesian pounds; sound accounting will be done concerning what is owed to Conrad; to John Yzaak 15 pounds are still owed; to Peter Bart 220 pounds; to Jacob Bertranni citizen of Asti 60 Tournoise pounds; to Henry of Badlongue approximately 700 pounds or 800 pounds. Moreover it should be known that all the abovesaid things were done in good faith, and if subsequently other legitimate debts should be found that were contracted before this document was made, concerning these the lord count must not delay any payment, (but) rather it must be delivered. Also owed to lord Guido of St. Winoksbergen around 400 pounds. And it should be known that Thomas, count, must be quit or delivered from all the abovewritten debts, as stated above, by a lord or lady of Flanders, and if any debts beyond the abovesaid may be judged in good faith to be legitimate by Gamal, provost of Marchiennes, lord Gerard of Hainaut, lord Fastradus of Ligne, and lord Gilon le Brun, or by two of those four, they must be paid and the count thenceforth (must be) quitted. Moreover the said count quits, to the lord or lady of Flanders, on behalf of himself and the heirs of the count himself, all movable property, which will not have been received through him or through another up to the day of the death of the countess Joan. For acknowlegment and certainty of all the abovesaid we, Thomas and Joan, countess of Flanders and Hainaut, have caused our seals to be affixed to the present letters. I Margaret, lady of Dampierre, have affixed my seal to these letters in order to observe and fulfill all the abovesaid things, insofar as I am able. Enacted and dated at Markette in the year of the Lord 1244, Sunday after the feast of the blessed Apostle Andrew.(1)

Original letter:

Hec debita debent comes et comitissa Flandrie, de quibus facta fuit computatio, anno Domini M0CC°XLIIII0, sabbato post festum beati Andree apostoli. Templo parisiensi mIIII lb. parisienses, inde facta fuit aliqua solutio per Johannem Petitdieu et postea de eodem acceperunt comitissa et magister Petrus mII lb. vel plus vel circiter, secundum quod per bonum computum invenietur. Clare civi Florentinom debentur D lb. artesienses; item eidem CLXX lb. sterlingi; item eidem mI CCC lb. turonenses. Caorsinis de Auden[ardo] C lb. turonenses; caorsinis de Curtraco C lb, turonenses; caorsinis de Furnis C lb. turonenses; caorsinis de Pouperinghe C lb. turonenses; caorsinis de Brugis C lb. turonenses et L lb. artesienses; Albrico de Camberen[si] CCCCXL lb. artesienses; Willelmo Asinari CXIIII lb. XII sol. VIII den. artesienses; Otheboult CC lb. artesienses; domino Joffrido de Haignies L lb. turonenses; caorsinis de Montibus XXIX lb. VI sol. VIII den. artesienses; Berardo Bertranni C lb. artesienses; Oberto Cachoul XXV lb. artesienses; Renero Bordon vel fratri Egidio D lb. parisienses; domino regi Francorum mIII lb. turonenses; filio vicecomitis Aug[usti] L lb. turonenses; pueris Jacobi Clawer mI DCCCLXXV lb. artesienses; Bald[uino] Sterboni XXII1/2 lb. artesienses; Rebaillo de Lauduno circa LX lb. parisienses; Yzabelle de Chimaco CCC lb. artesienses; hospitali Insulensi D lb. artesienses; Ernaudo de Pieregort DCCXX lb. artesienses; Alb[rico] Sancti Bavonis CCC lb. artesienses; Hugoni Ruffo de Ypra XXV lb. artesienses; Alb[rico] de Hasnone CCC lb. parisienses; Hen[rico] deDamo XIIII lb. artesienses; Alardo de Calceia X lb. artesienses; magistro Johanni de Lens LX lb. artesienses; regine Francie pro abbatissa Markette D lb. parisienses; Roberto Crespin, civi Attrebatensi, CCCCL lb. parisienses; Barthelomeo de Fuer et sociis suis CCCXXX lb. parisienses; Ginoth de Gornar, burgensi Per[onensi], CC lb. arte¬sienses; Ernando de Remis circiter LXXXX lb. parisienses; Marc Mair C lb. parisienses; item eidem LX lb. parisienses; Theodorico de Beverna C lb. parisienses; Johanni Yzaak XX lb. parisienses; domino Johanni de Haia CCCCL lb. artesienses ; Gossino Elen[ensi] L lb. artesienses; Conrado aurifabro P[ari]s[iensi] CLXXI lb. V sol. parisienses; Horboillo de Conpend[io] LX lb. parisienses; burg[ensi] de Gandavo per manum magistri Henrici C lb. parisienses; domino Ph[ilippo] dele Hamede LX lb. artesienses; domino Nicholao de Kieur[aig] LX lb. artesienses; domino Gor. de Viano LX1b. artesienses; domino Jak[obo] de Hain[au] L lb. artesienses; domino Waltero de Gonlam L lb. artesienses; domino Giloni de Berlaimont L lb. artesienses; domino God[frido] de Winchi L lb. artesienses; domino R[oberto] de Barbench[on] L lb. artesienses; domino Waltero de Brana L lb. artesienses; domino Roberto de Waregni XXX lb. artesienses; domino Waltero de Linmnem XLV lb. artesienses; domino Alardo de Lovegnies XXX lb. artesienses; domino Nichol de Perrewes XXX lb. artesienses; domino Waloni de la Deuse XXV lb.; domino Alardo Barad XXV lb.; domino Willelmo Haussi XXX lb. artesienses; domino Henrico de Hasebruch XXX lb. artesienses; domino Nicholao de Mainvaut XXV lb. artesienses; domino Nicholao de Houlenghe XXV lb. artesienses; domino Gossuino de Pois XXV lb. artesienses; domino Ger[ardo] de Maldeghem XXX lb. artesienses; domino Theoderico de Nova Villa XX lb. artesienses; domino Sygero de Gonham XXX lb.; domino Giloni de Blangies XXX lb. artesienses; domino Eust[acio] de Rode C lb. artesienses ; filio domini de Morianmes XL lb artesienses; item domino Jacobo de Charchanne C lb. turonenses ; Jakobo Bertranni et Marc Mair CCC lb. turonenses ; domino Rnaillo (?) LXVI lb. XIII sol. IIII den. sterlingorum; hospiti Peronensi C lb. parisienses; Raimbaudo de Valencinis L lb. artesienses; item adhuc debetur Conrado de quo fiet bona computatio; item Johanni Yzaak debentur adhuc XV lb.; item Petro Bart CCXX lb.; item Jacobo Bertranni, civi Ast[ensi], LX lb. turonenses; Henrico de Badlongue (?) circiter DCC lb. vel DCCC lb. Sciendum autem quod hec omnia supradicta facta sunt bona fide et si postmodum inveniantur aliqua debita legitima, que contracta fuerint antequam hoc scriptum esset factum, de hiis dominus comes non debet aliquod dispendium sustinere, immo debet deliberari. Item debetur domino Guid[oni] de Bergis circa CCCC lb. Et sciendum quod Th[omas], comes, de omnibus debitis suprascriptis, prout superius est dictum, debet quitari et deliberari a domino vel domina Flandrie et si que debita preter predicta per Gamal, prepositum Marchianensem, per dominum G[erardum] de Hainonie, per dominum Fastradum de Linne et per dominum Gilonem le Brun aut per duos istorum quatuor estimentur bona fide legitima debent persolvi et comes inde quitari. Dictus autem comes omnia mobilia, que per se vel per alium non fuerint recepta, usque ad diem obitus Johanne comitisse quitat domino vel domine Flandrie pro se et heredibus ipsius comitis. Ad recognitionem autem et firmitatem omnium supradictorum nos Thomas et J[ohanna], comitissa Flandrie et Hainonie, sigilla nostra presentibus litteris fecimus apponi. Ego Marg[areta], domina de Dampetra, hiis etiam litteris sigillum meum apposui pro tenendis et adimplendis, quantum est in mei omnibus supradictis. Actum et datum Markette, anno Domini M°CC0XLIIII°, dominica post festum beati Andree apostoli.

Historical context:

The count and countess make a detailed record of their debts, and the countess’s sister and heir, Margaret, confirms her responsibility to discharge the debts if they are not paid before their deaths. Some of the creditors are from Italian commercial families, Berardo and Jacobo Bertranni from Asti, Alardo de Calceia from Genoa,

Scholarly notes:

1 The translation was provided by Ashleigh Imus.

Printed source:

Johanna van Constantinopel, Gravin van Vlaanderen en Henegouwen ed. Theo Luykx, Verhandelingen van de Koninklijke Vlaamsche Academie voor Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schoone Kunsten van Belgie, Klasse der Letteren, VIII.5 (1946), 606-10, ep.78.


1244, December 3-4



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