A letter from Marguerite of Provence (c.1281)


Marguerite of Provence


Edward I, king of England

Translated letter:

To the very high and noble prince, to her very dear and beloved nephew, Edward, by the grace of God king of England, Marguerite, by that same grace queen of France, greetings and true love. Very dear nephew, we who are very desirous of hearing and knowing good news of you, send to you and beg you to let us know your state, may our Lord in his grace always make it good. And because we understand that you willingly hear good news of us, we let you know that we were in quite good health, thank God, when these letters were composed. Our Lord keep you. Dated Corbeil, Sunday before St. Lawrence. Our Lord keep you.

Original letter:

A très haut et très noble prince, son très chier et très amé neveu, Edoard, par la grace de Dieu, roi d’Angleterre, Margarite, par icelle mesme grace, reine de France, salut et vrai amour. Très chiers niés, nos qui sommes mout desirrans d’oir et savoir bonnes nouvelles de vous, envoions à vous et vous prions que vous nous faciés assavoir vostre estat, lequel nostre Sires face tousjors bon par sa grace. Et pour ce que nous entendons que vos oies voluntiers bonnes nouvelles de nous, nos vous faisons asavoir que nous estions en asés bon point de cors, Dieu merci, quant ces lettres furent faictes. Nostre Sires vous gart. Donné à Corbuel, le dimanche devant la Saint-Lorant. Nostre Sires vos gart.

Historical context:

The dowager queen sends her nephew news of her health and asks about his. Other matters may have been treated orally by the bearer of the letter. The letter is in French.

Printed source:

Lettres de Rois, Reines et Autres Personnages des Cours de France et D'Angleterre, ed. M. Champollion-Figeac (Paris: Imprimerie Royale, 1839), 1.283, ep.227





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