A letter from Gregory VII, pope (1073, December 7)


Gregory VII, pope


Adelaide of Turin and Susa

Translated letter:

Gregory bishop, servant of the servants of God, to countess Adelaide, greetings and apostolic benediction. Although I know you give aid by spontaneous will to sacred places and their religious inhabitants, yet I have taken care to exhort and admonish you to grow to greater and better and, what you were accustomed to do besides, you would now do by our command and the authority of blessed Peter even more zealously. For dignity of honor and breadth of power is granted you by the Lord for this, that it be expended in the service of his people, and you willingly bestowing your carnal things on them will deserve a share of their spiritual things. Because of which, we commend to your care and protection most attentively the monastery of Fruttuaria and the brothers of its congregation so that you may strive to give them wealth of counsel and the support of protection against all troubles from molesters, so their prayers may bear fruit with God for the salvation of your soul. In the same way we commit the abbot of the monastery of Cluny and the things of that monastery to your vigilance to be guarded and protected, whom we have heard is laboring under the heavy burden of tribulations. Let not grace or profit from anyone deflect you from the good intention undertaken, since “who perseveres to the end will be saved” [Matth.10:22]. We have set forth these things to you, dearest daughter, with little pressure or charge, so that we may more promptly hand the execution of the good work to you and, as it is said, we encourage, running, that devoted to God and vigliant in good acts and the protection of the servants of God you may reach that mercy of the Lord promising: “Who accepts the prophet in the name of the prophet, receives the mercy of the prophet; and who accepts the just man in the name of the just, will receive the mercy of the just” [Matth.10:41]. Dated at Sezze, 7th Ides of December, 12th Indiction.

Original letter:

Gregorius episcopus servus servorum Dei Adilasie comitisse salutem et apostolicam benedictionem. Quamquam noverim te sacris locis et eorum religiosis habitatoribus spontanea voluntate ferre subsidium, exhortari te tamen et ammonere curavi, ut in maius meliusque excrescas et, quod ultro facere consuesti, nostro precepto et beati PETRI auctoritate iam studiosius exequaris. Ad hoc enim tibi a Domino et honoris dignitas et potentie amplitudo concessa est, ut in suo suorumque servitio expendatur, et tu eis carnalia tua libenter impertiens de spiritualibus eorum participium merearis. Quam ob rem cure tue et defensioni Fructuariense cenobium et eiusdem congregationis fratres attentius commendamus, ut eis et opem consilii et presidii firmamentum contra omnia infestantium gravamina impendere studeatis, ut et pro salute anime tue orationes eorum apud Deum fructificent. Pari quoque modo Clusini monasterii abbatem et ipsius cenobii res vigilantie tue tuendas ac protegendas committimus, quem sub gravi tribulationum fasce laborare audivimus. Neque te a bone intentionis incepto alicuius gratia aut premium deflectat, quia “qui perseveraverit in finem, salvus erit” [Matth.10:22]. Hec tibi, filia karissima, paucis inculcare et iniungere statuimus, ut ad boni operis executionem te promptiorem redderemus et, ut dicitur, currentem incitaremus, quatinus Deo devota et bonis actibus et Dei servorum protectioni invigilans illam promittentis Domini mercedem valeas adipisci: “Qui recipit prophetam in nomine prophete, mercedem prophete accipiet; et qui recipit iustum in nomine iusti, mercedem iusti accipiet” [Matth.10:41]. Data Setie VII Idus Decembris, Indictione XII.

Historical context:

Gregory commends the monasteries of Fruttuaria and San Michele della Chiusa to the protection of countess Adelheid.

Printed source:

Das Register Gregors VII, ed. Erich Caspar, MGH Epistolae Selectae, 1.37.


1073, December 7



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