
The Application of the Resilient Children, Resilient Communities Initiative to Dominica: A Conceptual Overview

Balkaran, Thalia; Schlegelmilch, Jeffrey

The impact of disasters on the health and wellbeing of children is well documented, with children identified as bellwethers of community recovery. It has also been demonstrated that building community-wide resilience benefits from being approached through a child-centric model of community participation. While much of this work has been focused on the USA, there is a need to develop models to adapt these approaches in international environments. Small Island Developing States (SIDS) are particularly at risk for disaster events. SIDS tend to have less diverse economies and a high dependence on climate-sensitive sectors that are vulnerable to disasters. The National Center for Disaster Preparedness at Columbia University along with Save the Children created The Resilient Children, Resilient Communities Initiative to build child-focused resilience within communities. The Initiative, which has already been applied to sites in the USA, is being adapted for the context of Dominica. The Initiative focuses on child-serving institutions and uses a Community Preparedness Index to quantify the current inventory of policies and practices related to children. The Initiative aims to implement strategies to improve the ability of the community to meet the needs of children in a disaster. This paper explores the application of these concepts surrounding the Initiative.

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Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness

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Academic Units
Climate School
National Center for Disaster Preparedness
Published Here
December 4, 2024